Rainbow Youth Alliance

849 21 16

Continue as Karkat Vantas

You sigh loudly and set your bag down. You flop onto the couch that the club has. The club's owner, Ms. Allwang (the chorus teacher) walks in.

"Wow. I didn't expect anyone to be here on the first day. I guess you and that new member are gonna be the only people here Karkat." She's talking about Daveeeeee. Ughhh. You slouch. The door of the closet opens. Dave looks shocked to see you.

"Ah yes. Dave this is Karkat. Karkat this is Dave. Our new member."  You unenthusiastically wave at Dave. He waves back slowly. Is it really that hard for him to believe that you go to this club? You're seriously wearing a shirt that states that you're gay. Ms. Allwang enters another room labelled office. Dave sits next to you on the couch. You're silent. 

"So... I didn't know you went to this club..." Dave says. You sit in an awkward silence.

"YEAH..." Your mind races. Ugh what should you do?! Should you tell him about your new found feelings for him? Should you just kiss him?! Should you just leave?! Ughhh.

"Dude stop. I can basically sense you thinking yourself into a mental breakdown." Dave faces you.

"I-! I-I..." A tear falls down your cheek. Now you've done it! You worked yourself up and now you're having an anxiety attack. 

"Woah. Karkles. Calm down. Just chill. Try and relax. You're okay." Dave faces his whole body towards you. He hold both your hands on his lap. You shift to face him too. Tears keep falling down your face. Dave panics. He acts quickly and pulls you into a hug.

"Shhhh.... talk to me Karkat. What's going on." Dave says while holding you tightly in the hug. You let out broken sobs. It's almost like your whole life becomes a problem. You're life is a problem. 

Let me do the run down of Karkat's family life. His mom left the house when he was very young because of his abusive dad. She left her kids in fear that they'd be angry with her for leaving the dad. Kankri was born mute and is yelled at and abused because he isn't perfect. Karkat's dad (the sufferer) is a black out drunk. He hurts his kids and almost kills them everyday. Recently. A few weeks before school started Karkat's dad had a lung failure from smoking cigarettes. Kankri and Karkat couldn't afford to pay hospital bills and were too frightened to do anything. He died in their care. It was terrifying. Eventually they called their uncle, who took the body away. Karkat and Kankri were petrified. They didn't go outside their rooms for a number of days. Karkat first came out of his room to leave for school on the first day. Kankri emerged the day after. As previously seen. They live alone and don't have any jobs. The landlord was planning on destroying the house in the first place, but let them stay with no charge or rent as long as they get a job before Karkat graduates. Karkat has cried himself asleep for the past few days. Sometimes Kankri has to come in and comforted him all night. That's all. Thanks for reading the run down.

You hug Dave tightly. When you pull away you see his expression is full of worry. He brushes your hair out of your face then wipes a tear off of your cheek. You slow your breathing.

"Hey guys have you seen a tiny red container labeled butt lotio-. Oh. Sorry" Ms. Allwang walks in. You both scatter to your feet. She notices you're  having a moment. She backs up into her office and closes the door. You and Dave both turn to each other in silence. You burst out in laughter and break the silence. Dave laughs as well. Your laughter calms down after a while. You and Dave face each other. His hand brushes against yours. You grasp it. Dave checks the clock.

"Club is gonna end in five minutes." Dave says. Well that was an eventful  first day of club. He kneels down he pats his sides.

"Alright Princess Kitkat hop on." You look at Dave weirdly before jumping onto him. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He holds you up like he did when he first met you. Like a child. He grabs your bag and places it on his shoulder. You hold each other tightly. It's hard to believe that you only really met 4 days ago. Everything just feels so right when you're with him. It sounds cheesy. You look up at him. Your faces only inches apart. He smirks.

"Have you fallen for me yet, little tsundere?" Dave says. You furrow your brows.


"Make me! You love meee and you're a tiny little tsundere. Tsundere, tsundere, tsun-." You cut Dave off by slamming your lips onto his. Something comes over you. A warm heat of the moment. That, or...

"YOU STOLE THE CHOCOLATE CHAPSTICK FROM JADE, DIDN'T YOU?" You pull away from the kiss and ask.

"Possibly." Dave says.


"Yeah but i'm your dumbass." You close the space between Dave's lips and your own. The heat rises from the flavor of chocolate. You both lean into the kiss deepening it. You try to lean in an equal amount but Dave seems to have other plans. He leans in so much that your back hits the wall. Any pain is all drowned out because every other sense in your body is focused on Dave. You run your hands through his hair. This is getting intense. The author can't even handle this. You're tongue wanders into Dave's mouth. His tongue wanders into yours. They explore every edge. Every cheek. The entire mouth. When you pull away to breathe a string of saliva connects your mouths. You lick your lips which wipes the saliva away. The teachers office door slams open.

"Use protection!!! Or else I take control of this Fanfiction!!!" Ms. Allwang throws a condom and it misses you and Dave. You both looks at her in pure concern. The club bell rings dismissing you and Dave. Dave places you down. You both walk out of school and go your separate ways once you reach Dave's house. The sky is still clear. Still beautiful. You hear very loud and fast footsteps behind you. You turn and see Dave running towards you. 

"You forgot your backpack doofus!!" Dave hands you your backpack. You take it. You continue walking away. But Dave follows. He sticks his head over your shoulder as you walk.

"Can I at least have a kiss good bye?" Dave teases. You sigh and stop walking. You turn to Dave. He's too tall.


"Nah babe. You gotta work for it." Dave teases again. You get up on your tippy toes but you still can't reach him. You stick up your middle finger at him. He smirks.

"You can do it. I'm waiting for ya." Dave put his hands in his jean pockets. You huff and jump up. You kiss Dave quickly on the lips. His lips stretch into a full smile. 

"Alright babe. I'm having a family party at Rose's house tomorrow. You're welcome to come!!!" Dave waves and runs off. A party at Rose's house. You'll be there. You run home and immediately fall asleep when you make it to your bed.

Sleep Friday away ==>

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