Shit storms.

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Switch to Dave ==>

You took everyone home yesterday. They all got extremely drunk. It kinda got out of hand. At least that's what you remember. It's all pretty fuzzy. It was still fun. You think you actually gained something from that party. New friends and possibly a new crush. Your phone dings. Unknown number? You answer it.

JH: Hey :D!!

DS: Jade? How did you get my number?

JH: uhhh... Your brother gave it to me... 

DS: Dirk? why were you talking to my brother?

JH: well uh that's why I'm here... your brother Dirk. Proposed to my brother Jake...

DS: wait... what?

JH: We're siblings!! Rose is also now my sister and... wow you have a big family...

DS: yeah it stretches pretty far, wait. You're actually being serious?

JH: I'm not a very serious person but I'm definitely not a liar. I'll see you at school!! Or Saturday!! I'll send you some party pictures after school!! ;D

You exit the chat and turn over in your bed to face your room. Something rises in your throat.

"Oh fuck." You rush out of bed and into the bathroom. You throw up into the toilet. It smells of alcohol. So you did drink. Well welcome to hang over station. You'll be here for a while. No school then. Haha. You walk steadily out of the bathroom and get yourself some water from the kitchen. Then you return to said bathroom to throw up your insides again. 

Become Karkat Vantas

You've been barfing up all the alcohol from last night. You could barely sleep. You can't even remember who was at the party. Who was there..? Sollux, Eridan, Jade, Rose, Kanaya, and you. That's all you can remember. You curl up in a ball on your bathroom floor. The lights are dimmed. Your older brother Kankri walks in. He signs to you 'what happened?'. You sign 'food poisoning' you don't actually tell Kankri. He rambles (in ASL) about how bad it is to drink alcohol under aged. Besides you'll be fine. Kankri signs 'alright. Please stay home and refrain from walking a lot' back. You nod. He exits the bathroom to leave you in peace. 

Skip the hangover days ==

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