365 Days

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At the start Simon and Harry struggled to film together, often avoiding each other at all costs. Which meant teams for every sidemen video, Harry and Simon always being opposing filmed at separate locations.

As the months passed the memory of Chloe began to ease, allowing them to be in the same room, even communicating in videos. Everyone struggled to make it okay between them two, only time could heal the wound that had been made.

Chloe cut off all communication with everyone in the YouTube community after that night she found herself standing alone. She focused on her work and anything that would get her through the day. She even finished her song, calling it "ex" which a label picked up, releasing it into the charts, reaching number 12 after two weeks which for a first timer was a big achievement. She wrote a few more which followed the same pattern, reaching high in the charts but not quite top 10.

Any time chloes songs came on the radio would always change, no one wanted to be reminded of the havoc of emotions that they bring to two out of seven of the boys. It only took one thing for Simon to tense up and begin to hate Harry again.

After 9 months, Harry and Simon finally had a sit down and attempted to clear the air between them. Some improvements were made but the tension was still there. However as the weeks improved the closer they became, while it was never the same again Harry wouldn't complain as it felt though he was getting his friend back, slowly but surely.

Finally a year had past and the boys had all aged up another number, celebrating big for each one to ensure whatever they did they were together. Simon made more of an effort to forgive Harry which ended up with Harry crying over his shoulder many times. They both could see how much they were hurting. So all was forgiven.

Chloe would often watch the sidemen videos, even a year later. To anyone else there was no noticeable difference, the boys were good actors. However Chloe could see through the little things, watching as the relationship of the boys strained. Eventually they began to repair it, Chloe couldn't help but sigh with relief as they began to heal from her, even if it hurt that she couldn't be there for them.

She was close to celebrating her 23rd birthday, beginning to feel old. As the day wrapped into September she was only a few days from the 6th. A big night ahead as she planned to celebrate with old friends. After the drama she created a year ago she often returned home to see her family, catching up with old friends who never moved away. The immediate connection happened, making Chloe wonder why they ever stopped talking. She reminisced with her 3 school friends and even managed to forget if even for a brief second the broken hearts she left back in London.

The two weeks of annual leave from work started now at the first of September. As the 6th rolled around Chloe began to plan ideas for her birthday. Scrapping off most to settle for a gig at the pub, after a year she remained committed. Letting out her emotions through songs.

She woke the morning of her birthday by dani bringing her a cupcake with a single candle in bed. It was 6am because dani had work, leaving Chloe on her own for the remaining time. As dani poorly sung happy birthday, Chloe smiled widely.

"Thank you." Chloe laughed as she took hold of the small cake.

"Make a wish before the wax drips." Dani rushed.

Chloe felt silly, knowing these wishes never worked. But the secrecy of a wish is something she could enjoy, knowing that only she knew. Chloe wasn't without, she had everything she needed, but it didn't mean she didn't miss what she had. Without regret Chloe made a wish 'to see him again' as she blew out the candle. Taking out the candle and splitting the cupcake in half, sharing with dani as they spent five minutes together before she had to set off.

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