
112K 3.7K 191

Not edited. This chapter is INTENSE!

"I told you! I told you that you belong to me. You're a fucking whore! You disgust me!" He approached her as she waited kneeling in the corner with her back to him. She could feel the vibrations in the floor. She stiffened as the steps came nearer.

She waited.

He grabbed her hair by the ponytail je preferred she wear and jerked her head backwards and snarled at her.

"I should fucking kill you. You let that shit touch your hair. Your hair is mine. It belongs to me. You're mine! Do you understand?"

She whimpered as the pain from his hand radiated across her head "Yes"

"What?" he demanded.

"Yes Sir"

"Tell me why he was touching you! Tell me the fucking reason you let someone else touch my fucking body?"

She licked her lips nervously "He said... he said that when I turned my head my hair flicked in his face so he moved it."

"Is that a good reason for you letting him touch you?"

"No sir".

She was nervous. He was furious with her. She knew he was possessive but thought it was cute that he became jealous. A man in his position taking interest in her was like a forbidden dream coming true. He'd never been like this before. She waited.

"What am I going to do with you? mmmm?" that was when she felt it. The point that traced it's way down her throat stinging as it peirced the skin. She wasn't allowed to move amd at that moment she wasn't game to.

He kissed her shoulder softly. She forced herself not to flinch from the sudden touch she wasn't expecting.

"You're mine Anna. Mine and mine alone. No one is to ever touch you or I'll kill them. I will never let anyone else have you Anna. I will never let you go. I'll kill you first."

His hand moved quickly and from the corner of her eye she saw a flash of light as it reflected off the blade. Her eyes widened. She felt the coolness of it as he lay it against the side of her neck. Her throat constricted and tears stung her eyes. A tear escaping.

At that moment he released her head and the relief was instant until she felt his fingers moved the band holding her hair in place moved down a couple of centimetres. He stopped for a brief moment

"I was hoping, I was dreaming of when I finally took you into my bed and your hair spilled across the pillow for me. I'm sad Anna. So sad to know that won't happen now. It seems in order to make sure you don't whore yourself around that I must be disappointed. I don't like being disappointed Anna. It saddens me."

Her head started to jerk. His hands busied themselves to ensure this problem never arose again. Then it stopped.

Her head had been released. Again she felt relief though it was short lived as she realised exactly what he'd been doing. The evidence was thrown into her lap.

"Braid it."

With shaky fingers she took the ponytail and started to braid it as he stood. She could hear him opening and closing drawers behind her. It seemed like he was looking for something. He must have found it as he returned to her side and threw a rubber band into her lap.

"Tie it up."

He held out his hand when she was done and she reached up to give it to him. He shook his head sadly as he held it before walking to the dressing table and placing it gently on the silk hankerchief that he'd placed there.

He stood for a moment as if in mourning before reaching for the strip of material off to the side.


As she stood he placed a blindfold around her head. She was frozen. She had no idea what he was planning but she was scared more in these minutes than she had ever been.

She jumped slighty as he took her hand. She had to trust that what was about to happen wouldn't be terrible. She followed as he pulled her forwards and then turned her. He let her go to push her backwards and she fell onto the bed with her feet still on the floor.

"Lift your shirt above your breasts. Stretch your arms out and make sure your feet stay on the floor." His voice was coldly calm.

As she lay there he didn't make a sound. Her own gasping breath the only noise in the room. She wanted to run but had no other choice but to stay. She waited. Then she heard it. The fast slicing of air that preceeded the pain across her stomach. She screamed to no avail as once again she felt the pain. Over and over again she screamed. Begging him to stop her sobs were hacked with broken breathing. She didn't count how many times she felt the pain but just as she felt like she was about to pass out he stopped.

She felt his arms around her, lifting her onto the bed properly and the blimdfold being removed. She cried, sobbing as she wished she could curl into a small ball bit was unable to because the slightest movement sent screaming jets of pain throughout her

She felt the bed beside her dip amd the cold lotion being gently spread across her stomach. She opened her eyes to look at him finally. He looked back at her lovingly and as his gaze moved to her stomach it was with a look of pride. Looking back to her face he smiled.

"So beautiful my Anna. Now sleep little one. I'll take care of you."

He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead "You're mine baby."

She gasped for breath as she sat up. Sweat pouring down her face she sat there shaking as she nervously looked around.

He wasn't there.

She was in her room.

She was safe.

She listened to be sure and... nothing. He wasn't there. It didn't happen. It was a just a nightmare. It wasn't real. It was a nightmare that she revisited from time to time.

It was a memory.

His Best Friends Daughter- BK1 TPBS 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now