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"We found where he disappeared to." Red was pacing back and forth across the bedroom.

"That's a good thing right?"

"Yeh... yeh it is."


"But those overpowering arsehole fucking men wouldn't let me look through the tunnels with them."

"Good to know they were watching out for you... wait... tunnels?"

"God Ben, keep up will you! Yes tunnels. This place has a maze of them underneath it."


"Yeh and I found them but they wouldn't let me look!" Red stamped her foot as quietly as she could; Anna was still sleeping heavily but woke at the slightest noise that was different. This was different enough to wake her.


"Here sweetie. Are you feeling better?"

Anna stretched out and yawned "ugh... ask me after I've had coffee."

"I'm guessing that's a hint for me" Ben stood up from the chair that Red had occupied earlier.

Anna sat up "I'll just was my face and come down with you. I feel like I've been asleep forever."

"Well, you sorta have... but you needed it" Ben replied.

Damon and Maxon looked up to watch the door as they heard footsteps. They were both surprised to see Anna walk into the kitchen with Red and Ben.

"Oh god... is that coffee I smell?" Anna groaned at the overpowering smell of subtle delight.

Maxon laughed "Yep. I'll get you a cup."

"Thankyou but could you make it a bucket?"

"Hey! You can't drink it all. I want some too!" Red pouted.

"Fine. I'll share."

"I can always make more girls... Ben... you too?"


Damon sat quietly watching his girl and was pleasantly surprised when without prompting she came over to him and sat in his lap.


"Hello love." He placed a kiss on her cheek and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as his head dropped to her shoulder. Now he felt better. It seemed like hours since he'd seen her and when he checked the time he was shocked to see that it had been. So much had happened that time raced by without any of them realising.


"Yes Damon."

"I need to ask you a question and you're not going to like it."

She stiffened and tried to move from his lap.

"No. Stay where you are." His tone firm and controlling.

"Yes Damon."

Ben and Red both looked at one another with raised eyebrows which resulted in Ben saying "Remember what I said."

Damon nodded "I won't forget."

Ben just nodded, the unspoken words not needed in front of Anna.

"Anna... the last message... do you know where he's waiting?"

They all stopped to look at her. She knew what they were asking but...

"Please love... we need to know where he goes after he leaves the tunnels."

Anna shook her head. She couldn't answer. The words wouldn't come from her mouth.

"Anna" she looked at Ben "Do you know?" His voice now that of a dom.

She nodded.


Again she shook her head and looked to the floor.

"Anna... look at me... Now."

She couldn't refuse. Ben was too powerful.

"Did he tell you it was a secret?"

Damon stiffened. He was having problems with Ben being Anna's dom. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to accept it.

"Anna, answer my question. Did Gregory tell you to keep it a secret?"

Anna nodded.

"Do you want to tell us?"

Again she nodded.


She shook her head.

"What else did he say?" Ben was sure there was more. "Answer me."

She gulped and looked at Damon who smiled and nodded encouragingly.

With a hiss of air that escaped from her mouth she whispered "He'd kill Red if I told."

His Best Friends Daughter- BK1 TPBS 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now