Part 3: Click-Click-Whaaaat?

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Did Henry Cavill just check me out? I know a once over when I see one. I cocked my head to the side at him. 

He extended his hand to me and I took it. I let him gently pull me to him. He squeezed my hand. "And what's your name?"


"Janelle," he repeated it, smiling. 

Suddenly his whole face changed and he blinked alot. He blinked three times and then he batted his eyes. I tried to keep my smile but I frowned, showing confusion.

"Nice buckle," He let his eyes drop. 

I looked down at my Thundercat buckle. I had a collection, but this was the one I loved the most, not because of Thundercats, but because it also was taken to mean cougar, and I liked that. I brought my eyes up to his. He held my hand as if he was going to kiss it. "Thank you."

Then he did something with his eyes: Bat-bat-bat, blink-blink-blink, bat, bat, bat. I looked at him and blinked twice. Did he just send a message for help? He did it again, and I blinked twice smiling. Oh, shit. "Doesn't look like your first rodeo."

"It's not." We turned toward the camera and he did something of a prom pose. I mis-stepped and found myself looking at this big African American guy. I looked at the others and they smiled. Smiled? Security doesn't smile, they just look on. Truthfully they are usually poker faced unless something jumps off. And they are usually on both sides of the shoot. They all look like they are guarding the exit. And he placed me squarely between this woman and him. Seriously?  The woman smiled, but I didn't like her. She stood in front of me five feet away. We smiled at the photographer, the camera clicked, and he slowly let me go. None of this was right. None of this was right at all, and who was the guy in the suit? It was casual, but staff don't wear suits to these things...except for WWE head of security, who takes himself WAY too seriously.

I felt sick. 

"See you in autographs, okay?" he smiled. It wasn't reaching his eyes. 

"It's a date," I responded quickly.

When I left him, I felt like I was crazy. Yes, crazy, nuts! But that was clearly S-O-S he signaled. He did it twice. What was I going to do?

I went to security and I must have looked crazy, asking them to check on him. They laughed at me, and said he had his own security team. I begged and someone claimed to go see him. I knew autographs would be soon. No help, no one believed me. 

From Chi to Cali: A Henry Cavill Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now