Part 5: Something's Got to Give

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Damn. We're leaving the convention. My mind raced with what to do. "Are we going back to the hotel?"

"No," Diesel answered curtly.

"I packed everything and checked you out all nice and quiet like," Bianca murmured. "Nice stuff. They're not kidding, You do have nice everything."

I tamped down my anger at the violation. The idea of that woman molesting my things...get back on track, Cavill. "Where are you taking me?" I asked softly, wrapping my head around the fact I could be on my own, really on my own.

"To see someone," Axel replied evenly.


"To discuss standing out of the way of progress."

"What am I standing in the way of?" I asked. "Who am I standing with?"


"What?" I frowned. "MILF?"

"Oh, here comes a nice little--MILF--now." Axel smiled.

"Cav!" Janelle cried out.

I looked back and stopped when security did. Oh, this can't be good now. "Hey!" THis Janelle had a plan. She sported braces on her arms and knees and sported a cane.

"I know I'm late, but can I have a selfie or can you do a shout out?" She panted. "Please?"

Axel and Diesel looked annoyed, and Bianca rolled her eyes. 

"Make it quick," Alpha nodded.

"A shout out to who?" I asked. I watched her pull her phone from her leg pack but there was something else in her hand along with her drawstring pack. I saw it. Pepper spray. Oh, shit.

"To my kid--" she smiled, pointing the phone. "Ready?"

"Okay," he nodded. 

"Three-two-one--" She turned and sprayed Diesel. I attacked Axel with a quick hand heel thrust to the chin and clapped his ear. He stumbled back, and I saw my newest friend spring into action.

Janelle swung the cane and landed a hit on Bianca, but she grabbed it. Holding it with both hands, she slid the cane toward herself and hooked Bianca around the neck, dragging her down. Bianca struggled but she couldn't seem to get it off her. She started dragging her. 

Just then I saw Clutch come at me. He's a small guy, tech guy, so I didn't rush him, I let him come. His stance looked like that of boxing or kickboxing. I stomped his lower thigh, making him double over and clutch his knee. Then I clapped his ear, and punched him. Lights out.

"CANE!" I yelled. I saw Bianca get hit in the ears and choke held and Janelle tossed the weapon. I caught the cane, immediately going for the nose and face as Diesel came at me. He's a big guy and I knew he'd be hard to take down, but he didn't have full vision either. Bianca got sprayed up close in the face, and then I watched Diesel get it again. I cracked the cane over his back as hard as I could, and then aimed for the back of his neck and his neck. I stomped his knee when he fell forward. He howled in pain the impact of his knee being forced into concrete.

"Let's go!" 

I followed her. She took my hand, and led me away. "Where are we going?"

"Where they can't go." she told me. We sprinted the length of Navy Pier from the delivery side where the public hardly goes. She went to a rental bike called a Divvy and bought one. She unhitched her own. "Get on, Cav." She pulled a baseball cap and sunglasses from her bag. "Let's go!"

I caught them and got them on, then pedaled after her. "We're not going fast." 

"The pier? Olive Park? Addams Park? Stores?" She laughs. "And on foot? Good f'n luck, man!"

We are now tourists, I realized. Pumping along at top speed we would have drawn attention to ourselves. I almost forgot where we were on stretches of trail when it was just us and the lake. She was actually giving me a tour of the lakefront, points of interest, things I didn't know. Over time I realize her voice had calmed down considerably. I learned she had been going to cons for decades, I was not her first VIP, and she was going back dressed as Princess Tiana tomorrow.

I used Janelle's cell to contact William Rand, my usual handler who was off due to family sickness. He said to go to the police. We went to the nearest police station. I recognized my kidnappers' SUV. No dice there. 

"Don't get me wrong, there's good police here," Janelle shrugged. "but there is a bad element so we can't tell who's what."

The hardness in her eyes told me she was speaking from personal experience. "We can't stay on the lakefront all day, can we?" I finally asked.

"If it was summer it would be easier, we could get lost in the crowd. You could change your accent, stay in glasses, we'd get you trunks..." she sighed. "But it's not quite warm enough for that. You okay? I can get something for you, I don't want you cold."

Truthfully it was a bit chilly, but not bad. The sun was still out, after all. She stopped and turned. "You have goosebumps." she frowned at my bicep. "Come on."


"Anyone who will wear contacts longer than allowed is also prideful enough to stand against the elements unprepared," she muttered. "I know a place we can get something quick. Come on."

I raised an eyebrow at her. 

She took me to a retail store and went through t-shirts and jackets. "Here." she tossed them. "Here."


"Unless you've got cash, hon, we've got to do it this way," she says dismissively. I looked down at the clothes. "Not designer, but functional. Be an American today, okay?"

"What about you?"

"What about me? They're looking for you, trust me." 

"Where are we going next?" I asked after we checked out and changed. 

"Someplace they wouldn't think of."

From Chi to Cali: A Henry Cavill Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now