Part 12: On Board

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"Leaving Galesberg," the announcer said. "Next stop, Fort Madison."

I waited for eternity for her to answer. For a minute I thought she was going to say no. I was surprised she even pulled down the top bunk. Just as she sat I got up and made sure the door was locked, the curtain was secured and then drew the curtains on the outside window. I looked at her. She was nervous. And surprise, she was making me a little nervous. Had I read her wrong, here?

"Why don't you move next to the wall?" I saw that she wondered why. "Sorry, it's just if something happens I want to be able to move."

"To protect me?" She asked.

"Well, yes." I shrugged. I watched her expression soften.  "I doubt that will happen here, but erring to the side of caution."

"Me, too," she nodded. "St. Louis is a long stop, and it's kind of late at night. That would be the perfect time for them to hit the train or get on to try to find us--"

"If they figured out what train we took at all," I finished her thought. "But we'll be off by then."

She smiled. "'re safe now."

"We're safe." I corrected. "And we've still got miles to go." My eyes fell to her breasts. Even through the tank and hoodie, I could see her nipples. I noticed them in the cab, and chastised myself for checking them every now and again. But they were there, unchanging and nagging my curiosity.... "Are you cold?"

She rolled her eyes. "No..." She glanced down at them herself. "Contrary to what you see, no. I'm...just like that."

I crawled onto the bed and she turned on her side. She set her head on my chest and sighed, her hand resting on my other pec as if to feel my heartbeat. My arm went around her, underneath and encircling her, my other hand covering her hand on my chest. I kissed it and set it back where it was. 

She snuggled closer, as if using her head to form that perfect resting place. Her eyes were closed. We both took a breath, and I hoped she liked my aftershave and such. I inhaled milk and honey, even in her hair. She nuzzled my neck gently, and I could have sworn she was smelling me. She was about the senses, all of them, I realized. I kissed her forehead, then her temple. I brushed my lips over her eyebrow, nuzzled her cheek. I gently nudged her head up, and I brushed her lips. We both had a quick intake of breath before we finally connected.

I pulled her closer to me, and part of her body was on top of mine as I brought her leg over me, nibbling and kissing her lips as she did the same. This was nice and slow, and I got the feeling it needed to be. We'd known each other for almost two days, and I instinctively knew she wasn't a party girl or the type I could nod my thanks to in the morning with each of us smiling at new bed post notches and memories. No, she was real and tender and...

I felt her body align with mine, arching to me with a sweet high pitched half moan, half sigh.


Even as I tasted honey on her lips, which was a pleasant surprise, and as I rubbed my cheek against hers to find her ear and jawline to nibble on(which made her gasp), I wondered if this was right. It felt good and right, and truthfully, I liked her. She was a "ride or die," as I remember some of the guys on my favorite football team liked to say about people. But that meant she deserved "ride or die" people. Was I a "ride or die?" 

I arched my neck instinctively as she began nibbling on my ear and down to my neck. Oh, think, Henry. Your thoughts are going out the window, man... I turned to her and began grinding my hips slowly as she licked and lightly bit that soft skin between my ear and jawline. I raked her back and her hips moved right into mine, a really nice fit even in clothes, as she began to move right with me. I  pushed down the strap on her tank top and started kissing my way down. I wanted no clothes, I realized as soon as I felt how soft she was, felt the heat coming off her. I wanted that heat all around me, I thought as my mouth kissed the valley between her breasts and found one to taste, then the other when she began to arch. The tips softened under the heat of my mouth, and she whimpered softly as if they ached. They probably did. I wanted the scent of milk and honey and...almonds...all around me...and her body seemed to beg to be kissed over and over...

I brought my hand between her legs and she gasped as I caressed her. Her head fell back and her hands caught my forearm. She didn't pull away, nor did she push my hand. Her fingertips dug into me, and now, I felt what I suspected: heat...after a time, I reached into her waistband and pushed two fingers inside her making her gasp then moan, moving in time with me. Her hand trailed to the growing bulge in my hands, her fingers forming a "v" as she stroked me. I wanted her to touch me, skin to skin, wanting more. As I felt her, watched her with her eyes closed and biting her bottom lip, my imagination's floodgate opened. At this point I knew a few things: One, she was passionate. Two, she wanted me. Three, I definitely wanted her. Four: I wanted time-hours with her in bed on something better-so Kansas City, it would be. "It's alright, love, let's alright, breathe." I whispered. I sensed a climax coming and kissed her, feeling her moans vibrate in my mouth as her arm went round me and her fingertips dug into and raked my back. Worth the wait, any wait, I told myself. 

"That was Galesberg," the announcer said. "Next stop, Fort Madison." 

I slowly pulled my hand away from her trembling form, and kissed her tenderly until she finally sighed and relaxed. When I pulled away, I saw her eyes slightly open, her long lashes  almost  completely hooding her eyes altogether. I kissed her nose.  "We should wait." 

"Yeah." She said so softly I barely heard it. 

"Hungry?" I asked softly, but I was looking at her lips. I wanted to kiss her again, but I suddenly wanted a whole meal rather than a taste.

"Okay," she agreed with a small nod, her eyes lowering shyly. She looked up at me, and I felt that wave of want I was trying to control until we were under better circumstances.

"I'll clean up." I said, searching her eyes for something, anything. She was hard to read. That made me uneasy. Maybe it wouldn't be Kansas City. Maybe it would be Los Angeles. Maybe...I mustered a smile and kissed her forehead, her cheek. Why I couldn't just say I liked her I didn't know. Maybe she was feeling vulnerable, I thought as I went into the lavatory. 

She went in after I came out. I sat on the bed, looking at the world go by. I got a text telling me that we should get off in LaPlata, Missouri. When she came out, I offered my hand and she took it. I surprised her by pulling her across me and between my legs. She giggled as we got settled this way, and I hugged her from behind as she put her head on my shoulder so we could share the view.  

"Change of plans," I told her. She looked up. "LaPlata, Missouri?"

"Oh, okay." She sighed, staring out the window. "I like trains best." 


"Because you aren't here or there.  You're in limbo, you know, and for a time there's no hats to wear, no racing, you just get to yourself."

I sat there for a moment, and I took a deep breath. We were running from someone. We were running to someone. Rand was going to kill me for ditching him at the airport. His one word texts to me were evidence of that. We were on our way to somewhere we needed to be. And yet, I was completely relaxed. No image to uphold, not even photographers or fans, and the lady with me, whom I fought for and defended, who answered my call, was a true ally, wanted me to relax and just be me. My arms tightened around her as we watched Heartland USA go by, meadows and forests, farms and lakes, bright skies turning to predusk. I was in the now and I liked it. "Yeah."

Maybe she wasn't the only one feeling vulnerable.

From Chi to Cali: A Henry Cavill Fan Ficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن