Part 10: A Princess's Rite of Passage

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Screams went up from the convention lobby as I ran through it. I had to keep moving. I couldn't afford for fans to slow me down. I could tell some were on my heels, but not to stop me as much to see where I was going. I couldn't stop them, I had way too much to lose.

"Is that Henry Cavill?" some asked.

"Oh, my God, that's Superman!" some screamed.

"I got it!" camera savvy ones said, determined.

"Probably a stunt..."

I called the SUV.


"Head around the delivery side in two minutes!"


I followed the wake of knocked over stands.

"Dude!" someone tossed me a clear shoe.

"Uh..." I caught it instinctively, barely breaking stride. "Thanks!" 

"Holy shit!" I heard from behind. 

I kept following the chaos to the parking complex. Janelle was trying to escape, and Diesel had just subdued a security guard who was lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious. She was struggling with Bianca. That dress was not helping her at all, so I threw the shoe to her. Now they struggled to get to it.

"HEY!" Diesel came at me and I kicked him again. Just then someone put me in a full nelson, a pair of arms going around mine and locking behind my head. Seeing that Diesel had stumbled back, I stepped out to the side and then brought my leg behind whoever was behind me to drop, bringing him down and fliping him onto his back. Seeing it was Axel, I elbowed his gut and when he tried to sit up, I hit him in the chin with my elbow, and rolled to my feet.

Diesel came running like a freight train. He let out a yell of anger and pain since he was clearly limping. I literally stepped aside and tripped him on his other leg. I delivered a blow to the head and Clutch ran toward me and swung. I caught his arm by wrapping mine around it and then used my other arm to wrap over and around his head, delivering body blows with my knee. When I let him stand I ear slapped him hard and he went down.

All was left was Bianca, and she had Janelle by the wrist.

"Come on!" I started looking for that SUV, backing out of the complex. 

Janelle twisted away, hit her in the face with her shoe, and ran to me. I drew her to my side. The SUV I rode in pulled up and I opened the door. I pulled Janelle in after me and saw Bianca running for the car. Janelle pulled up her dress and kicked her, sending her back. She swung her feet around and pulled the door shut as the SUV pulled away.

We were both catching our breath. She threw her arms around me and I held her close. 

"You okay?" I huffed, framing her face with my hands.

She nodded, but she looked shaky.

I put an arm around her to steady her . "They--"

"Figured out who I am?" She finished.



"We're out of here," I told her. "Until I get this sorted, you're with me."

She sat in shocked silence. There's a first.

We rode to Sears Tower. As soon as she got out, cameras and cells were going up. She looked at me in alarm.

"I think we're viral." I said, looking around. "WAIT!"

The driver stopped. 

"Tell me you have your bag with you." I pleaded.

"Of course!" She sounded a little surprised, turning. I hadn't noticed it because it was transparent.

"Okay, this is worth more than a day's fare, that's for sure," the driver nodded as I flashed cash. "What do you need?"

"Clothes you can change into?" I helped her back into the SUV.


"Do it." I said, climbing in after her. 

"Unzip please?"

I unzipped her and found she had a white tank on with a shelf bra. She pulled up her straps and wriggled out of the dress, revealing white boy short underwear and shapely legs. She opened her bag. She pulled out a thin hoodie, leggings and a pair of gym shoes. She changed quickly.

"Wow, no modesty?"

"Ever been in live theater?" she asked. "Costumers strip you down and dress you for the next scene sometimes. Couldn't afford it then, can't afford it now."

I took off my shirt, sporting a t-shirt underneath, and she gave me her runners cap. "Thank you."

"That's two caps, dude." 

I laughed. "I'm good for it."

She laughed. "Guess so."

After texting an explanation of this mess to her, I realized we had to get our bearings. "Let's see what's going on." 

We hit social media.

"You rescued a damsel in distress," she arched her eyebrow. "That's true."

"We're getting married," I read, shaking my head.

"Oooh, sorry."

"I could do a whole lot worse." I nodded. She was a ride or die type, as Rand called it. She'd fight by my side to the end. "Will there be someone upset by--"

"God no!" She paused. "You?"

"No, not really." I found myself sighing with relief. 

"They're looking for us, like telling people to find us, track us-like a game!"


"I don't know!" She was quiet. "Can you extend this to Midway?"

I clicked it in. "Yeah, but why?"

"Watch this." she worked crazily on her phone and I got the message: You got any friends?


She texted again: Getting us to Los Angeles. Buy tickets at Midway for LA, but we're not going. 

An idea hit me. "I think I do that...and...." Then I texted, we need to get to Kansas City.

She smiled, and texted:  Wanna rent a motorcycle? We can go to Kansas City, meet your friends there.

"I am falling in love, here." I murmured.


I shook my head and texted: No planes. No car, trains are kinda slow, car is risky"

"Stop!" she told the driver.

We jumped out of the car, or rather she pulled me out.

"Your dress--your shoes--"

"Don't forget, all the way to Midway!" she reminded. The driver smiled and nodded. She left part of her dress hanging out at the bottom and took a shoe as she slammed the door on it. "Let them chase that." We both turned and she said, "Train it is. And they're boarding. We pull out in less than thirty."

From Chi to Cali: A Henry Cavill Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now