Part 4: Dit.Dit.Dit.-Dah.Dah.Dah.-Dit.Dit.Dit.

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When autograph time came, I stood in line with the other VIPs, this time with my headphones on. I was listening to music. I just didn't want to hear fan chatter anymore. I had a lot to think about. My mind spun with what I could do if what I saw is truly what I saw.

I got to him again and his eyes turned soft and even pleading for all of two seconds then turned charming. It was a blink of an eye really, and I had to clear my throat to not react to his first expression.

"Hello again!" He smiled brightly.

"Hi!" I smiled back.

"What's your name?" he tapped his marker. Dit.Dit.Dit.-Dah.Dah.Dah.-Dit.Dit.Dit. "I mean, spell it, please?"

"J-A-N, E-L-L, E- that's it," I replied, nodding twice, and he grinned, exhaling. I could see his canines and then he blew out an exhale. He really was in trouble. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't exactly sure what to do yet, and that I was working on it. I knelt in front of the table. "Buy me time."

He nodded once, concentrating on the name as if adding flourishes.

"Let's go, lots of people waiting." a deep voice said to me, but I wasn't looking.

"I really wish I could spend more time with fans," he said a little loudly. "I wish a lot right about now."

"Kal isn't with you, is he?" I showed my real concern.

"Not this trip," he answered.

"Aw, I'm sorry, my dog was a huge comfort to me, too. He was almost sixteen when he passed." And Akitas make excellent guard dogs, I mentally added. If these guys came after him and Kal was with him, he might have stood a better chance. The dog has been undoubtedly trained, but so was Cav. "Poor Cav without his Kal."

"What are your plans for the weekend?"

"Going to be Tiana tomorrow, but I'm no princess."

He laughed a little. The big guy pulled me up from the floor. "OW!"

"Look I just pulled you, stop faking."

"I have knee injuries!" I cried. "You can't just yank on me like that!" I glanced around. There was a mixed reaction of the crowd, some looked concerned, some scared, some annoyed. "First day without braces, first day!" I winked quickly at Cav, who seemed to visibly relax but was still frowning.

"Let the little girl go, Diesel." the suited man ordered softly. Okay, he didn't like me, wasn't sure of my little act, either. And he also knew I was no little girl. He was just being condescending.

"Move it along, ma'am." Diesel said and I almost lost balance again.

Another guy took the autographed movie photo and stepped up. Though he looked like was helping me up, he made sure we almost had full body contact for support whether I needed it or not. His body lowered to a whisper. "You don't want to get kicked out, do you?"

"No." I frowned, struggling.

"It would be hard to get back in without help," he said.

"Axel." Diesel said in a deep voice and Axel moved back. "Sorry, lady, we're on a very strict schedule." He handed me the picture.

"Twenty seconds." Cav said loudly. "More time for each fan!"

Cheers went up from the crowd. The suited guy rolled his eyes not wanting trouble, raising his hands in surrender.

"I'd like her to stay." Cav nodded.

"No." I got surprised looks. "I'd like to get my braces from my room at the hotel and come back, if you don't mind."

"Okay, but you don't have much time," Axel warned. 

I hobbled off stage and limped out of sight. I thought about stopping the little act, but I was too scared. Even in the distance I saw the one who helped me up try to follow me a little. He gave me the creeps. 

I exited the Convention Center and started heading for Walgreens. I glanced down at the picture and saw lines  in it. Lines?! 

I got to the public tables and laid the picture flat in the sun. Etched into the surface was a map! Cav drew a map of where he was going after his appearance with the marker cover. "Parking D." I whispered to myself, reading. "150 x 30." Seventy five minutes! I looked at my watch. "Not much time. I wasn't even first." I felt my heart race. No time to panic, gotta think.

I did a check of what I had on me. In my leg pouch, I had my cell phone, portable chargers, a runner's cap, travel lotion, lip balm, a few band-aids, pepper spray, some pill packs for pain and allergies, a small bag of almonds, gum, and a chocolate bar. My keys hung on my hip, and only one key was so big it might hurt if I used it.

I went to Walgreens and bought a cane, arm braces, leg braces and water. That was almost a hundred dollars just gone. I still had cash, but it wasn't much. So much for shopping at the Con. I sighed, still half hoping I was wrong, but my instincts screamed the opposite. Resolved to the fact I might get arrested or thrown out, I moved out of the complex and toward the parking garage.

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