Part 17: Fast and Fierce

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I stood there admiring the view for awhile, trying to push the words from my head.

Janelle, I'm sure you're very nice. You're not staying. Alright, so you're not a gold digger or a ladder climber or scene stealer. But why you are here is about to end, I just want you to be ready for that.

The words churned in my head, tightened my throat and settled in my stomach like bile. I could leave now. He could come back, and it will be like we never met...sort of. I closed my eyes, remembering the scent of his aftershave, his facial expressions, his touch, his voice when he said something softly in my ear.

Tears came. Start getting over it, over him. Start now. Now! I resolved myself to pack and take a nap, ready to go home at a moment's notice. My eyes closed and mind's eye opened to Henry in my dreams. I accepted it, knowing he'll be part of my dreams for some time to come.

The sound of helicopter woke me up. It didn't sound like it was flying past with the sound fading in the distance, it sounded like it was...hovering...

I heard gunshots and rolled off my bed, ducking, just like I would back home in Chicago if something jumped off. 

"Janelle!" The bedroom door swung open. "Come on!" He pulled out a device.

I grabbed my backpack and legpack. "What--"

He swung me into the hall. He hit a button and it sounded like every door locked. "We gotta go." He took me by the arm and led me to a door. We went through quickly and went down a flight of stairs to nothing but trees. "Let's go." Alarms went off in the house, and were cut off. "They're searching the house, but I'll bet they didn't find the silent alarm."

"They're here?!"

"Yes." He pushed me along through the wooded area. I didn't know where I was going. There were literally no foot paths to follow. I allowed myself to be pushed. 

Suddenly, Rand stopped and pulled me close, covering my mouth. I heard movement, though it wasn't close. I pointed, "Over vere!"

Rand nodded, "Back there, too. Let's--" A gunshot rang and he doubled over. "Go, go, go!" He is steering me from behind. "Stay low! Straight....left....left....right....okay, turn here!" 

I saw a small clearing with a speed boat. "Oh, God!" I looked back, hearing Rand moan. "Oh, God!"He'd been shot! I helped him the rest of the way to the boat and inside, practically throwing him in the passenger's seat. I picked up the life jacket and tossed it to him. "If you have any strength PLEASE put that on!" 

"You've driven before right?" Rand groaned as he put on the life jacket.

"Not a boat!"

"A car?" He sounded frantic, his light eyes widening.

"Does 'I don't have a license, but I drive very well' mean anything?!" Gunshots rung out as I slipped on my jacket. "Shit!" 

He did a sign of the cross. "Keys are probably in that pocket." 

I frantically fished keys out of Henry's British Royal Navy sweatshirt and slam myself in the seat. I turned on the keys and put my foot on the gas. "AAAAAH!" 

"You gotta help me man!" I pleaded. "I could be heading to Japan for all I know!"

"You're doing fine." Rand said. "Google it."

"You're kidding right?" I asked, strapping in. "Can you call the cops?!"

He pulled his phone. "Hello this is Rand, William Rand from the Cavill Estate. We are in a yellow V-8 being pursued..."

I couldn't listen anymore. I had to concentrate! "You gotta tell me when and where to turn, okay? Okay?" I looked around and saw a small box. I opened it and found a GPS system. I turned on the small device, hoping it was powered up. "Yes!" I clicked through destinations and selected Los Angeles/Long Beach. 

"Proceed ahead..." The GPS talked.

"YEAH!" I screamed. "Talk to me baby!" I shook my head. "Cause I don't know what the f*ck I'm doing!" I grasped the steering wheel at ten o'clock and two o'clock. I looked over. "Rand?" I reached over to touch his neck. He passed out. "Hold on, Rand. Hold on, man." I swallowed hard, and my throat was so dry it hurt. "Oh, God." Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink.

I began going in zig zags as the helicopter that was at the house began to catch up. "Aw, man..."

From Chi to Cali: A Henry Cavill Fan FicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin