Part 19: One More Night

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"I swear I'm fine!" Janelle was exasperated. "I know this is a lot."

Who? I mouth to her as I got out of my shirt, vest and blazer. 

My family. She mouthed back and rolled her eyes.

I frowned. "I thought you said your son was older."

"He is."

"Who are you talking to?"

"My sister--"

I got up and took the phone. I put it on FaceTime. "Hi."

"Oh, my God."

"Yeah, uh...well--" I turned the phone to Janell. "Look at her. Perfect. Healthy. Happy."

"Oh, okay."

"So, you see it's me?"

"Yes, but how did all happen, and why didn't she tell me about--"

"Great, look forward to meeting you," I flashed a poster grin. "Cheers." I clicked off and threw the cell on a nearby chair. "I thought you said everyone was grown," I frowned.

"Biologically, yes," she shrugged.

"Oh," I understood. Too many people were depending on her. I raised an eyebrow at her.

She stood there for a second. "Maybe I should--"

I took her hands. "Is everyone alive?"

"Yes, but--"

"So they'll survive," I smiled down at her. Finally she smiled up at me. "You're sweet for wanting to be there for people, but who's there for you?" I saw her blink, her look turning a little sad. "Come here." 

"I think it's over," she said softly as I held her to me. She looked up at me. "We made like a hundred statements."

"Yes, and you know that Bridger is not going to be touched," I shrugged. "His hands weren't dirty."

"As long as those other people go to jail, I really don't care." A worried look crossed her features. "Do you think there's anything to worry about?"

"No," I shook my head taking her into my arms, chuckling as the thunder clapped outside. "His name has been dropped. It would look bad if anything happened, and the people they arrested aren't talking. It's in his best interests to leave us alone."

"You're right."

"Ah, say it again."


"Tell me I'm right."

She smirked and raised her eyebrow. "You're right."

"God, that's so hot," I smiled, walking her back to my bed, pulling my Royal Marines hoodie over her head and throwing it aside, leaving her in her bathing suit and shorts. We crashed on it, laughing and hugging. 

"What do we do?"

"What?" My mind was on the rest of the night, but she seemed to be talking about more. I didn't know, but I didn't want to say that.


Damn. "I've got to get back to filming in a few days."

"I am supposed to show up for work tomorrow." She looked sad.

"Can we just let tomorrow take care of itself," I asked her softly, touching her face. "please?"


"I care about you," I told her. That was true. I just didn't know what that meant right now in relation to everything else. My career was sort of first. Was she the type to understand that? Was she in a rush to get married, committed, whatever it is these days? She didn't seem to be, but I hadn't asked. "All I know is that right now. Do you care about me?" She looked at me and touched my face, caressing it. I turned my head and kissed her palm. "Do you care about me?"

"I don't think that's the question."

"Isn't it?"

She reached up and kissed me. It was all I needed. She pulled me down to her and I reveled in her kiss. She nibbled on my lips teasing me, alternating between her lips and teeth, then licked them as if she'd harmed them. I raked her body, need sparking within me. I ground my hips against her, pushing my tongue into her mouth to taste her. She'd had a fruit smoothie, a bit too nervous to eat anything...strawberries, blueberries and bananas with ice cream and milk. She'd sipped on it for hours, and now I was having a taste of it. Our tongues mated over and over as I enjoyed her. 

Then she started sucking my tongue. I moaned softly. She was raked my body gently raising her hips to meet mine every time her nails got to the small of my back which made me press harder into her. I took off my t-shirt, and she unfastened my trousers. I unzipped them and her hands went down my back, under them and back over my backside, caressing me.  I pushed the straps of her bathing suit down and she caught my hands and put them behind my back. She wrapped her legs around me and rocked us.

Next thing I knew our positions were reversed. I was looking up at her in her bathing suit and shorts as she sat up straddling me. The look in her eyes made my breath catch. I might have been the aggressor last night, but tonight it looked like it was her turn.

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