Part 18: Finish Line

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I don't believe this. I don't believe this! 

I reread the text message telling me not to go through with the press conference endorsing the Mountain Lion Fund.

Mr. Cavill, please postpone the press conferece regarding the Mountain Lion Fund. There are pressing matters I would like to discuss with you regarding a more lucrative venture than saving cougars, as well as the safety of your friend and your own.

I saw a short video of people breaking into my house, but I didn't see a capture. "You aren't getting Rand or Janelle on their phones?" I asked security. They shook their heads. My stomach dropped. "How long till this starts?" 

"Fifteen minutes."

I took a deep breath. I kept thinking of the last time I saw Janelle, how she pleaded to come with me. If something happens to her...

I heaved a sigh of relief as I saw Rand's number ring through. "Rand--"

"She's gone."


"They broke in--"

"Yes, I saw their video." 

"I got shot."


"Janelle drove me in the V-8 to the inland, and as soon as we got to the hospital she hopped out of the ambulance and took off."

"Was she hurt?"


"She took my V-8?!" 

"She actually didn't crash it."

"She took it?"

"We had no choice."

"And she ran?"


"She's scared," I thought aloud. "she's afraid to stay in one place." I texted her my location. "She's coming." I exhaled heavily. "She should have been with me in the first place."

I sat and waited. I could either start the conference on time or I could extend and wait for her. 

"It's time," one of the MLF representatives said. "What do you want to do?" 

I took my cell phone out, put my Bluetooth in, and dialed Janelle's number. 


"I'm making the speech."

"Okay, go!"

"Where are you?" 

"Look, I'm just doing what the Google god tells me to do at thirty miles an hour!"


"I'm on a scooter!"

"How far away are you?" I asked.

"About three miles?"

"That can be a pretty long time."

"Not on a scooter or bike," she said. "It'll be fine!"


"Sweetheart?" she cut in. "DO THE DAMN SPEECH!"

I didn't know what got my attention more-her calling me sweetheart or her yelling at me.

"...We are proud to announce that we have someone here-a new resident in California-who has decided to help us with our cause. May I introduce to you Mr. Henry Cavill!"

"Go, baby," she said softly. "I got this!"

I put on my best smile and stepped up to the podium. I shook hands with the founder of the Mountain Lion Fund and faced press and fans, but all I could hear was Janelle in traffic breathing hard.

"First, I want to say thank you to Mr. Crenshaw and Mr. Imala for honoring my request to be part of this venture," Henry said. "I haven't seen half this country, and I can honestly say that it is breathtaking and diverse-in its people, in its cultures, its landscapes, its environments, and yes, its wildlife." 

"Shit!" I heard Janelle say. "Ran out of gas! Using app to find another..."

I took a deep breath. "America struggles to maintain such a diverse balance of well-being for all, and the same can be said for its wildlife habitats, but they can't speak for themselves. It is easiest to react to--"

"I don't believe this!" Janelle whispers. "How did they find me?"

"To react to what they are doing and not addressing their causes," I finished, swallowing hard. I averted my eyes briefly to collect myself. "That is why the Mountain Lion Fund is so important." I could hear her panting and running. Oh God, run, baby.  "We interfere in and develop in these ecosystems for our own gain, but we are also destroying one already in place that keeps down overgrown vegetation by controlling grazing populations and the populations of other carnivores that can overpopulate and pose real threats to all since mountain lions shy from humans anyway."

"I have to turn off my phone. They must have some sort of trace on it. I will call or text when I'm close." The line clicked off.

"We need to have a better balance with the past in so many respects, and this is one of them," I went on. "That's why I am helping and contributing to the Mountain Lion Fund here in California. We are in the process of trying to develop and fence off an area, with the help of state government, where mountain lions and their system can thrive and do well in our absence. It has its own water source and is ideal. Lions will be tagged for study and research, but also to ensure their safety. I hope you agree that this animal, its way of life in its environment, is worth saving. Thank you."

Applause sounded as I signed a check and handed it to Mr. Imala and then signed officially on as an ambassador with Mr. Crenshaw on camera. I shook hands with both of them and stepped off stage. Where was she?

My phone rang and I moved faster. "Nelle?"

"Yes, I'm in the lobby." Janelle sobbed.  "They're still coming!"

"The press conference is still running!" I said. "It won't be aired for another ten minutes." I felt like I was panting right with her. "You okay?"

"Steps, Henry!"

"I need security, now!" I asked one team to take the stairs with me and the other to take the elevator. As soon as I opened the door I could hear her whimpering and still on the steps, maybe with a limp. "Janelle?!"

I looked down three stories. She was running up the steps...with two men behind her. I used the bannisters to slide down, careful of balance since I wasn't in gym shoes. We met on the second floor, and she fell into my arms crying. The men who had been chasing her raised weapons.

"Come along with us, both of you--"

I heard feet scuffle behind me and heard multiple clicks. 

"No," a voice said from behind us. "I think you need to come with us."

From Chi to Cali: A Henry Cavill Fan FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora