Part 11: Ready, Set...

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We didn't know our enemy. We only knew someone who was wealthy enough to hire a security team and infiltrate Cav's safety was moving against us. I was a wild card, and it looked like they knew something about me now. We barely talked in the SUV; we didn't want to give anyone more information about our next steps. I was so tense, he reached over and held my hand. When I looked at him thankfully he put an arm around me and I leaned on him. This was nice. I didn't know what would happen once we were out of the car, but this? Oh, this is nice.

We were given some sort of VIP treatment, walked down a corridor I've never seen before and boarded before everyone else. I sat on the train looking out the window as we rolled in and out of stations. When would I be back? Was I coming back? I logged into a relative's account, typed myself a message saving it in drafts to leave information, but not sending it so it wouldn't be in the system. 


I took a deep breath and looked at Cav.

"Janelle?" he reached across and took my hand

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"Janelle?" he reached across and took my hand. "We're going to be fine."  He squeezed my hand on the last word for emphasis.

"I know," I shrugged. I looked out the window.

"But we're not staying here," he said. "Not all the way to Cali."

I gave a sigh of relief. "God, I hoped that wasn't your plan."

"We're getting off in Springfield to meet some friends, then we're going to Kansas City," he said simply. "I've got more friends there."

"The football team?" I joked. For a solid three seconds I heard nothing but the train rolling on the tracks as I watched his blue eyes light like sapphires. "THE football team?"

"Well, yes," he smiled. "They Airshare private planes, and this would be as good a time as any." He seemed to be thinking aloud. "Harder to track, and the manifest isn't public. God, I never thought I would call in a favor, but they want me to invest more in the team."

I raised my eyebrows. "More?"

"Small town America always needs a leg up."

"Big city little guys do too, but..." I trailed off. He knows nothing about that. "anyway, let's do it, then."

"You trust me?"

"Yeah, I trust you!" I exclaimed. "You should have known that the minute I jumped on this train, suspected it when you came for me!" I paused for a few seconds. "Thanks for coming after me."

He saw the tears in my eyes, and worry registered on his face. "What? What happened?"

"They said they were going to kill me and dump me in the lake," I told him, unable to look him in the eye. "And Axel, he was trying to convince the others to let him have a with me...before..." I swallowed hard. "Really, thank you."

"Come here," he whispered, offering his other hand. I took it, and he pulled me over beside him, gathering me close. He kissed my forehead and I felt dizzy. "Frightening to come so close." He gave me a little shake. "But we made it. I'm so glad I left the airport--"

"You what?!" My eyes lifted to his. "Why would you do that?" It was my turn to give a shake."That means you were  home free, safe--"

He shook his head. "But when I learned you weren't, I couldn't get on that plane, I couldn't." His expression looked affectionate and I blinked in disbelief. Then it melted into humor and he laughed softly, "And imagine the treat I got. I actually got to rescue a princess from kidnappers!"

"You'd make a great prince-Eric specifically," I said with a chuckle. "or swashbuckler." That was funny, me a princess. "I kept the tiara, one shoe." I wanted a souvenir of this wild ride.

"It's all over the web, see?" he smiled, clicking on home pages of different engines. "They've got just about every angle."

"My God, you're filming a movie, doing a publicity stunt for a movie, getting married, eloped this afternoon downtown?!" I shook my head. "Boy, can they spin it!"

"Oh, God, the driver!" Cav laughed, showing me a photo of the guy holding my dress and shoes smiling ear to ear. "So far, so good. He's silent as a grave. Bet they are offering him quite a bit." He looked at me. "Tired?"

"No," I replied, but I felt a yawn coming on. "You?"

"I actually thought I was going to sleep on the plane," he chuckled.

"Okay, get up." I said, rising from my seat. When he did I pulled out the bottom bunk into a full size bed and laid the bedding. "Nite-nite."


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I smiled. "We can take a nap. We have almost four hours before Springfield." I moved to pull down the top bunk, which is usually already made.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh?" I pulled the top bunk down. It was significantly smaller, and it takes a little effort to get comfortable, but I'd done it before.

He was up on his elbows. "Come on."

I felt my eyes widen before I could stop them. Whoa. "Uh...Okay." Even as I laid down, I knew there was no way I was going to fall asleep next to this man. No way. 

From Chi to Cali: A Henry Cavill Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now