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Jimin opens his front door. He speaks quietly. "You can only stay until 1am. There will be no hooking up of any sort, okay?"

"Deal." He hooks pinkies with him.

Jimin grins. "We can put on a bad Netflix movie and get high."

"Cool. Where's your basement."

"I don't have one. We'd have to hang out in my room."


Tae follows Jimin up the stairs to his room. "Aw, your room is actually cute."

"It's... a normal room."

"I don't know, it's just cute. The way everything is arranged."

Tae sits down on his bed and grabs Jimin's laptop. "What if I just looked through your search history?"

"Go at it. I don't really watch porn, and if I do, it doesn't have a crazy title. There's nothing you could really blackmail me with."

Jimin rolls a blunt while Taehyung snoops through his computer. "Ahah! I found something."


"Just one of your conversations with Jungkook."

"My texts are on my computer?"

"It's a Mac. It syncs up."

"What could be bad about my conversations with Kook?" His eyes grow wide. Fuck.

Tae chuckles. "I thought you were too innocent to send nudes."

Jimin snatchohis computer back. "Fuck, you weren't supposed to see that."

"It's not like I saw any photos."

"Still. It's embarrassing."

"Not really. Personally, I'd love to have a picture of your ass."

"Don't say things like that or I'll make you leave."

"Okay, I'll shut up."

"What do you want to watch on Netflix?"


What if I totally skipped something and made you guys guess what happened? I think I'll do that.

What if I totally skipped something and made you guys guess what happened? I think I'll do that

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Just One Chance | Jikook KookminWhere stories live. Discover now