🍚Manga Fukidashi x Reader|Birthday

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I barely see anything on this fella, let's give him some love! Also his birthday was Feb 2nd and I'm so sad that I missed it (。•́︿•̀。) But this is a belated birthday I guess!

  Today was the day of my boyfriend Manga's birthday! I was so excited, I had bought him a lot of new art supplies and sketch pencils. What he told me a few days ago influenced my purchase.


  One lonely day, Manga and I were hanging out in his dorm, he was holding me in his lap with my arms around his waist. I looked all around his room, posters of comics and his own drawings were everywhere. "You really like drawing and comics huh?" I asked him curiously. He hugged me and laughed slightly. "(๑•﹏•)Y-Yeah, I want to draw and write my own comic one day, maybe as a part time job I could write comics." His text bubble was larger because of how many words he had to fit in it. You giggled and smiled at him. "That's super cool! I'm sure you could, your drawing skills are phenomenal!"

  My eyes sparkled, he was so amazing at drawing I knew he could if he really wanted to. This reminded me that his birthday was only two weeks away! Perfect! He laughs and hold me close. Making a little face in his speech bubble. "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they are okay I guess.." I shook my head "They are beautiful, Manga, I'm sure you can!" He pulled me closer, intertwining my fingers with his own. "(*^3^)/~♡ You're so inspiring babe!"

  The way he made faces with his speech bubble was really cute and make me giggle shyly. "⊙﹏⊙ Why you laugh at me (Y/N)?" He asks " ( ꈍᴗꈍ) It's an honest opinion. Most of my art is inspired by your beauty!" I blush, pushing my face into my hands. For not having lips, he was really good at making me blush.

  "(ʃƪ^3^)Awww you're getting all blushyyy! How cute!" He pressed his speech bubble against my face, sort of nuzzling it. His face was circular that flucuates with his words, but the outline looks different from different perspectivives. It was still a solid object regardless though, so he could nuzzle your cheek. Sometimes his bubble would feel warm and it was like he was blushing at times. At least he could hide it easy.

  "I-Its you're faultt!" I whined, holding onto the small tail of his speech bubble that acted as a neck. He laughed "(◕દ◕) I can't help it it's cute!" I giggled at him, holding him close. "You're quite adorable yourself Manga, I mean, look at all those expressions!" His face turned shy.

   "(^~^;)ゞ well, it's mainly based on my actions and thoughts! I can put words in the speech bubble just by thinking, but I like to use my normal voice, just so you can hear me!" I smiled softly and the laughed "I mean, it's also useful to say or make ride gestures at the enemy!" He nodded "Yeah like ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ and ತ_ʖತ" I burst out in laughter, he was probably the biggest meme in all the school, thanks to his not just powerful but silly quirk.

  "OWO -NOTICES YOUR LAUGHTER- WHY AWE U WAUGHING AT ME (Y/N) SENPAII??" I fell of the bed, rolling on the ground and laughing, tears falling from my face. Eventually, after a long line of his jokes and my stomach going weak, I hit my head on the leg of his bed, making me stop laughing and whimper in pain. "Owwieee" I said, rubbing my head.

  Manga got up and held me, pressing his head against mine and chuckled a bit "You're such a beautiful mess" he said, making me laugh. "More like just a mess in general!" He shook his head and sat back down on his bed, along with you. But you had still made a mental note in your mind about what to buy for him.

Flashback over

  I walked through the halls towards Mangas room, I was pretty sure he was asleep but thanks to my quirk: replicate, which let's me copy things I touch, basically CTRL+C CTRL+V, I replicated a copy of his key and planned on suprising him. I held onto the things I had gotten him and swng the key around my finger.

  I had bought him a huge pack of sketchers pencils with included 20 different shades of pencils, hard and soft, 10 Inking markers, a ruler, scissors, two metal sharpeners and a few tortillons. I had also bought him a large sketchbokk, containing 400 pages. I smiled, this had only been 40 dollars, which wasn't a lot for this quality of material and amount of items.

  I stopped infront of his door and looked at the sign on his door, it had tiny cute drawings on it and a name plate that read "Fukidashi, Manga" I smiled and quietly opened his door, shoving the key into my pocket and closing the door behind me. I sat the presents down, looking at him sleep. Small Zzz's floated around in his bubble, which I kisses the top of. He was laying under a blanket that had lots of comic panels on it.

  I walked over to the light switch, whispering to myself. "Okay, 1... 2.... 3!" I lifted the light switch up and down, yelling out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANGA!! WAKE UPPPP!!" I smiled as I saw him shift. He slowly sit up too I guess look at me and the presents. He suddenly jolted up, a face appears on the bubble "(๑♡⌓♡๑) Is this all for me?? Thank you babe! (*^3^)/~♡" I laughed and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close to him.

   "(。・//ε//・。) I wish that I could kiss you.." His voice got quieter as he leaned into me. I blushed and turned to look at him "It's okay Manga, I love you!" I smiled at him and kisses his bubble, then his shoulder. He sighed, pulling me closer, sitting me in his lap and making it comfortable for him and I. "This is great babe, I'm so thankful for you!" He was opening and examining the box and sketchbook and box. "I knew you would love it!" I giggled. His face heat up against my own. "Yeah, I love you ((Y/N)"

  I smiled and leaned against him, just because we can't kiss doesn't mean I don't love him. "I love you too, Manga.."

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