24- Some Kind Of Yellow Suit

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Katrina arrives at Mercury Labs, the same time as Barry, "Hey did you get stuff done that you needed to do" he asks as they head up to the crime scene.

"Not really, but I did get a visit in with an old friend" she tells him.
"Oh really" he smiles at her.
"It was Bruce if you are wondering" she says as they enter the crime scene to see two guards torn. "I'll take the one on the left" she says as she takes her kit and heads to the body. They both look over the scene as they hear Joe enter, "Hey what are you thinking?" he asks walking over to Barry. Katrina gets up from the ground and walks over to the men.

"The blood spatter patterns and trajectory of the remains, only a high speed collision could have done this" Barry tells Joe, "But to cause this type of damage to a human in this space, whatever hit them would have to have been moving fast" he adds.
"Get this" they then hear Eddie say and the three of them look over at him, "The witness says all he saw was a blur, sound familiar?" he says to them and the three of them share a quick glance before walking over to the witness.

"You happened to see a Blur, could you tell us what it was?" Katrina asks.
"Whatever it was, it was looking for something" he tells them.
"What did it look like?" Barry asks.
"Agh, like a man...in some kind of yellow suit" he tells them
"Thank you" Katrina says as they quickly walk away.

"I have to check my files" Barry says quickly, "Joe you heard him. The man that killed my mom, he's back" Barry says to him.
"I know, he's been in town for a few weeks now" Joe says earning a look of surprise from Barry and Katrina, "He paid a visit to me at the house, he took all the evidence from your mom's case. The files are gone" he adds.

"Why wouldn't you tell me this sooner?" Barry asks him.
"I couldn't" Joe says.
"Why?" Barry asks.
"Because he threatened to kill Iris" Joe tells the two of them.

Katrina, Barry and Joe headed to STAR Labs, and told them about the crime scene they had just been at. "The witness described seeing a yellow blur, just like the one that killed Barry's mom" Joe explains to them.
"Then we need to get cracking and stop this speed psycho" Cisco says as he puts a candy cane in his mouth, "that—I wasn't trying to give him a name" he adds.

"The crime scene at Mercury Labs, it was on a floor with very high secured vaults, the witness said he was looking for something" Katrina says to them.
"Whatever it was he wanted it badly enough to kill for it" Dr Wells says.
"Doctor what do you know about this Mercury Labs?" Joe asks.

"Mercury was one of STAR Labs major competitors until our little setback and then it" he claps, "catapulted to the forefront, led by" he says this as he brings up a article on one of the monitors," Dr. Christina McGee, brilliant but egocentric physicist"

"It says here, Dr. McGee has secured half a billion dollars in private funding to develop, and I quote, 'prototypes for the technology of the future'" Cisco says.
"Well, I'll be...Tina's messing with tachyons" Wells says and Joe looks at him, "Superluminal particles" he explains.

"Of course, so, what could someone do with one of those..." "Tachyons" "Thank You" Joe says to Wells.
"Well, I don't know, become invincible. If you could devise a matrix stable enough to harness their power, you could travel faster than light" he tells Joe.
"He's gonna try and get them again. So we need to get what Mercury has and use it as a lure" Barry says.
"Exactly right" Wells agrees, "Cisco, Caitlin start engineering a trap" Wells orders.
"You got it" Cisco says.
"Of course" Caitlin says and the three of them leave the room.

Katrina, Barry and Dr Wells met up at CCPD the next day after getting Dr McGee to come in, and talk to them.
"Barry Allen" Barry says introducing himself, and he shakes the doctors hand.
"Katrina Ivory, thank you for coming in" she says as they shake hands.

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