Chapter 46

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"My, my..." Your grip tightened around the hilt of your sword as his eyes looked at you with dominance. 

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise?" The male coming closer to your face as you grit your teeth with fury.

"Daughter of (L/N) Asao."

On to Chapter 46!

With eyes widening with fury as you stared at the very demon who killed your father, Muzan merely chuckled cockily. "What a nasty expression for such a young girl..." His voice velvety and purr-like. The demon before you inched himself closer to you, pressing his neck against your fern-green blade, tempting you. "Get away from me!" You yelled with clenched teeth. He merely grinned with underlying rage. "Oh? And what would you do if I don't? I think you've forgotten who's pinned here." After his sentence, you could feel the object, or thing, that was lodged in your dominant shoulder enter your body deeper. You could only groan and make your head drop from the endless pain; it felt as if your shoulder was completely on fire. 

His emotionless eyes merely sharpened as he saw you so vulnerable underneath him; like a young bunny caught in-between a predators teeth. Muzan grinned with confidence at the uncanny resemblance you had to your father when he pinned him down also. But his confident grin soon fell short when your own enraged eyes looked into his, "You think that'll stop me!? You're nothing compared to what I've fought! You're the lowest of the low!" Your sudden outburst had caught him off-guard, leaving him open for a split second. 

With eyes growing with the realization that an opening had been revealed, you forced your arm to move, to move the sword that you held with white knuckles. A hitched breath escaped from your enemy as you were able slice his neck, but only lightly. But it was enough to make him back up. The object/thing that once greedily sliced your shoulder had now suddenly flew out as Muzan himself took a few step backs and gently brushed his neck with his fingers; the cut itself healed almost instantly. 

It was now a stand-still. You could see the evident fury that Muzan had in his eyes and the boiling veins that were now becoming visible. But keeping your body up and as light hisses escaped from the burning sensation on your shoulder, you remained steady. 'This isn't how it's going to end! Sure, I wont leave unscathed... But I wont allow myself to die to this bastard! Or worse!' With knitting brows beginning to form, you used your non-dominant arm to hold your sword now and raised it to make the tip of the blade face Muzan. You mentally and physically prepared yourself for the worst. 

The ruby-eyed male couldn't help but chuckle at your expression that you made, making you falter. The tense knot of rage that he felt had now dissipated. In the moody lit room, he spoke. "It's fascinating on how much you take after your father, young (L/N)." You remained silent, resulting in the male to let his eyes become half-lidded with curiosity. "I suppose you're curious as to why I'm even here... Are you not?" Your knitted eyes now untied themselves, expressing your answer. A cocky grin plastered itself on his face once more, "It seems I'm right." You watched as he took off his fedora and place it down on the nightstand. "However," your alarmed state now came back as you saw the elongated, red and white organic limbs emerge from the darkness, "I prefer to be in control." 

[DISCONTINUED] The Art of Destruction || A Kimetsu No Yaiba x (F)Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now