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Hello everyone! My apologies if many of you are hoping for a new chapter, but sadly I've come to deliver some bad news. 

Starting a few weeks ago, I began pondering the idea of placing this book on pause since I've slowly been getting burnt out from writing this KNY book. And my writing slowly began to show that (in my opinion); descriptions began to become less detailed and more mundane, writing these chapters and editing now took more than two hours where before I was able to do it all in less than an hour, and nothing seems to deliver the punch that I desire anymore. 

I understand that many of you may think otherwise, but I don't believe my writing is  reaching up to my own and your own standards, resulting in me viewing my recent and future chapters as one's that still need to be worked on and not acceptable to be read by you all. 

I really do want to continue writing this book since I've put in so much love and care into it and just recently surpassed 50 chapters, but I can't find the motivation to do so. And without the motivation and the lacking of descriptive details in my story, it doesn't feel right to publish them. 

I apologize to everyone that loves this story and desires to read more of it, but I'm afraid that I will be placing this book on hold indefinitely.


Thank you all for dedicating the time to read this story that I created on a whim. Thank you all for the continuous and loving support. And thank you all for helping my story reach new heights. Hopefully I will find that spark that once drove me to write for such an extensive period so that I may begin writing for you all once more. 

And once I'm ready to continue writing this story for you all, I'll make sure that I give it my all and continue to excite and touch your hearts with my writing with every chapter that I publish.

But for now, 

have a wonderful, whateverthetimeisforyourightnow.

[DISCONTINUED] The Art of Destruction || A Kimetsu No Yaiba x (F)Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now