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"How about this one? do i look sexy or what?"

"I'm not answering that."

Jian Yi turned around and closed the door of the changing room. Meanwhile, Zhan xi sat outside the stall on a couch.

He didn't think Jian yi would bring him to a clothing store, he refused at first until Jian yi said they would check out the video game store on the way back.

Zhan xi sat quietly and after three different shirts, he grew bored by the second, waiting for the fourth look. But weirdly Jian yi was quiet in there.

That's not right...

Zhan xi knocked on the door with his knuckle, "Are you okay?" he waits for an answer.

"I can't- ugh- the fucking buttons!-" he heard the others voice strain, obviously the blonde was struggling on the other side.

"Just push them through the hole?"



"Shut up!"

"Xixi, I really can't! And I like this shirt the best!" More struggle was heard on the other side of the stall,

That's when Zhan Xi sighed out and knocked on the door, "oi, open up."

Jian yi turned the lock, popping his mop of blonde hair out "what is it?"

Zhan xi pushed the others head back in and closed the door behind him,

Jian yi covered his mouth and gasped dramatically "y-you're bold! To do this in a stall- ow!"

"What bullshit are you spouting? I'm here to button your shirt." He retorted with impatience, eyeing the opened shirt on his friends body.

Without hesitation, he pulled the other closer to him and began to easily slip the buttons in, one by one.

Jian Yi has his head down, watching his friends hands do all the work, a burst of impulsive ideas ran through his head at the moment.

Zhan Xi buttoned up the last one and looked to the mirror, "so, you buying this?"

Jian Yi turned around and softly nodded as he looked at his friends reflection.

It was silent between the two until Jian yi turned back around and leaned a hand against the wall,

He looked at his friend with a patient look.

Zhan Xi quirked his eyebrow and eyed the other back confused, "what?"

Jian Yi smirked and tilted his head in a seductive position,

"Will you be unbuttoning it?" Jian Yi chuckled softly, before he could get hit, he added,

"I'm only joking, Xixi-"

"C'mere then."


A sigh left Zhan Xi's lips as he stepped forward and began to unbutton his friends shirt.

Jian Yi's face went blank like an idiot and awkwardly stood there, not knowing why this was happening but he didn't want it to stop.

"You still haven't told me what happened with the detention."

Jian Yi looked away, but Zhan Xi recognised the expression.

"Did you pick a fight with someone and they did that to you?"

The blonde scoffed,

I wish he had picked a fight with me instead...

"Jian Yi, what's on your mind right now?" Zhan xi had finished unbuttoning the shirt, he looked at his friend with caring eyes.

"My wrist hurt, Xixi"

Zhan Xu suddenly remembered rope being involved but still couldn't wrap his head around the situation.

Maybe it was best he didn't know.

"Alright, let's leave and get some ice for you."

Zhan Xi unlocked the door, closing it behind him.

Jian Yi took off the shirt and put on the old one, but then decided to just wear the new one while he bought it.

They were both walking out when Jian Yi suddenly grabbed his friends wrist and pulled him away.

"Let's go a different path today!" Jian Yi smiled, fastening his pace.

"Woah, wait!" Zhan Xi looked behind him and caught hooded eyes staring at them.

Did She Li do something?

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