( Valentines special )

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"Hm, where has little Mo ran off to now?" The raven haired looked around the school halls.

The place was scattered with red ribbons and pink hearts, Valentine's Day was truly overrated, he always received letters and such.

He enjoyed the praise, but he didn't check his locker, he wanted to go and tease his little mo on this day.

To his enjoyment, he saw his friend outside.

When he had saw his favourite redhead standing with his arms folded and the same grumpy face, he smirked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Stop being so creepy and move!"

He tian soon looked to his right and saw two girls standing a little too close to his Mo.

"What are you yapping about? You came up to me."

"Excuse me? Are you trying to hit on me?"

"Ew, that's gross~"

"Huh? Who the fuck is trying to hit on you?"

He tian's feet moved before he could even think and was already standing tall in front of the female misfits.

"Flirting are we, little mo?"

"Huh? Where did you even come from-"

"He-He tian! Could you please tell him to leave us alone?" The girl in front demanded, eyeing Mo guanshan behind He tian's shoulder with a smug look.

"Yeah~ and then let's hang out-" the other girl added but watched as the tall male turned around to face the redhead.

"You heard em, Mo, let's leave them alone~" He wrapped an arm around the redheads shoulder, it was such a natural habit that even Mo grew fond of.

"Whatever, just don't touch me." The shorter one retorted, not batting a single eyelash towards the girls.

However, He tian looked behind his shoulder, with a face so serious and still, that the girls went pale in the face.

The two were far from the girls and were standing at the school gates, Mo pushed He tian's arm off of his shoulder and scoffed.

"Why so angsty? Are you mad because you don't have a valentine?" He tian looked at the other with a mocking pout.

Mo scoffed once again and turned around, "who says I don't have one?"

He tian's joking manner suddenly disappeared, he stepped closer so his body was right behind Mo's back.

"Oh? Did you give them a present yet?"

Mo folded his arms, "it was sarcasm, dipshit."

Mo's eyes were suddenly staring at a purple object, soon releasing it was an eggplant with a bow tied around it.

"And what the fuck is this?" Mo felt as He tian's lips were close to his ear.

"Dinner~ you're cooking for me tonight, think of it as my valentines gift from you."

Mo pushed his hand away and closed his eyes "that sounds disgusting, I'm not going to your house to eat eggplant."

"Hm? Would you prefer...the real thing?"

"Fuck off! Don't touch me with your crotch!"


• happy late late Valentine's Day snsnssnns •

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