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"He tian."

"Oh? What's this? Little mo is calling my

Mo looked to the side in defeat as he heard the others cocky tone.

"Do you have- the uhm-" he returned is gaze to He tian and saw that stupid smirk on his face.

"Little Mo, did you need something from me?"

Mo grunted curse words under his breath.

He didn't complete his homework for history because he worked over time and felt exhausted, so he thought he could easily copy someone's before class started.

He stared at his first option, He tian.

No way am I asking him for a favour.

"Tch. I'm going to blondie." Mo made a sharp turn and began to walk, and of course his shoulder was occupied by He tian's arm.

"Come on, tell me what you wanted~"

Coincidentally, Blondie was also looking for Mo.

"Hey, redhead! I need to talk to you!" Both Mo and He tian looked to their left, blondie was running at them.

Before He tian could even comprehend what happened, he was left alone and both boys weren't seen.

"Oi! Don't touch me!" Mo shouted as he was dragged into a sketchy spot behind the school, "why'd you drag me out here?" He looked around confused.

Jian Yi breathed out tired before looking to the ground with a shy face, "Mo...when you were friend with She Li...."

"Huh? Why are you asking me about that?"

"I just need to know something." Jian Yi replies with a serious expression, catching the redhead off guard.


"Did She Li...have a hair fetish?"

"What? Are you fucking messing with me?"

"I'm serious! Did he have a thing for hair or what?"

"How the fuck would I know if he has a thing for hair?!"

"Huh? It's not that hard to notice! Did he have a thing for your hair?"

"Fuck, your head is fucked! Why would someone fetishise hair?"

Jian Yi stepped forward, backing the other into the brick wall behind him.

"I need you touch it."

"What the fuck?!"

Jian Yi grabbed Mo's hand to which the redhead smacked him in the face, yet for a split second, Mo actually felt the blond locks, it was fucking soft.

Both boys ended up in a weird position, Jian Yi had Mo's arms above his head and Mo had tried to slam the other down, so he wrapped his legs around Jian Yi's waist.

The sight was tragic.

"Apparently, they're down here?"

"Why would Jian Yi take him here?"

The two immediately recognised the voices and swiftly turned their head to the entrance they came from.

There stood, He tian and beside him was none other then Zhan xi.

The expressions on all four faces were a mixture of, fright, anger and utter disappointment.

"Fuck! Fuck! Get the fuck off already!" Mo had shouted and wriggled in the blondes grip.

"Oh. Don't mind us. Continue by all means." He tian folded his arms and watched with cold eyes.

His voice had never had this much sarcasm before.

"Jian Yi, What are you doing?" Zhan xi had the same look of disappointment, but then again he wasn't surprised to see something like this.

Jian Yi had let go of his grip and redhead fell to the ground.

He then wrapped and arm around Zhan xi and waved his hand around, "nothing~ nothing~ just messing around with him~"

Zhan xi wanted to confront him then and there. He wanted to ask, "why are you lying to me again?".

But instead, he closed his eyes softly and let his best friend lead him away from the other two.

Mo rubbed his neck and suddenly saw two feet before him.

He looked up with fear in his eyes, He tian was looking at him from above.

"If you wanted to be pinned so badly, you could've asked."

"Fuck! That's not it!"

"Next time you want something like that, don't go to blondie, understood?"

Mo cursed to himself silently, he was never going to sleep in without completing all his homework.

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