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As Zheng Xi exited the bathroom, not actually needing to use it, but it would have looked oddly suspicious if he didn't use it, considering it was the only reason he was inside his friends apartment.

Why the hell did he want to come in so badly?

Now that he's in the living room, Zheng Xi can see more clearly how Jian Yi lives.

He didn't need any more clues to figure out that Jian Yi must spend all his time at home alone.

Something made Zheng Xi appreciate his sister more, because at his house, it was always homely.

He would be sure to give his sister a big hug once he returns home.

As he walked past a small coffee table with empty takeout boxes and soda cans scattered here and there, he spotted Jian Yi pouring water into a glass.

His friend whipped his head around, smiling softly and pointing to the said glass he was holding,

"Your throat hurts, right?"

Zheng Xi stood silently, touching his Adam's Apple and letting out a forced cough, "Uhm- yeah, it's a little better though,"

Either Zheng Xi was a great actor or Jian Yi was just too gullible for his own good, because anyone could see through the brunettes deceit.

"Here, if you drink this, I'm sure you will feel ten times better!"

Zheng Xi took ahold of the glass and brought it to his lips.

"It's warm."

"Room temperature water is good for your health," the pale boy brushed his hair to the side and breathed out dully, "my mom told me that,"

It was often rare to hear Jian Yi ever mention his parents, it's not like it's a sensitive topic between the two of them, honestly their conversations have no filters, but Zheng Xi never imposed on the others private life.

"Is she...coming home soon?"

Jian Yi sat at the empty dining table, leaning his chin into the palm of his hand and pouting, "maybe? I dunno for sure,"

Zheng Xi, in a long time, felt that same pity he once did years ago, seeing Jian Yi act so content about something so lonesome.

The blond bounced up in his spot as he felt his phone vibrate, "who could that be?" Jian Yi murmured, unlocking his phone.

As if it were Zheng Xi's business, he stood behind his friend to also get a view of the screen, wondering who had interrupted their conversation.

Both males eyes widen at what they had saw.

"...is that brother Mo?"


"Why is He Tian just taking pictures while this is happening?"

Zheng Xi looked away, feeling a long sigh creeping it's way out of his mouth, "because it's He Tian,"


"Motherfucker! Who do you think you're sending those too?!"

He Tian began to reply back to Jian Yi, seeing as the blond wanted more context behind the pictures he was sent.

An Angry Mo covered his face and grumbled, "fuck, that was so embarrassing, I'm gonna get you back for that."

He Tian placed his phone away and leant closer towards the redhead who was sat on the other end of the table.

"You shouldn't blame me for you mistaking the women's bathroom for the men's," He Tian replied with full attention, "it's not my fault you can't read bathroom signs, little Mo,"

"The old lady beat my ass! You just took pictures, asshole!"

"She was mid seventies, Mo, you could've easily taken her,"

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