Chapter One

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I watched as everything burnt down. I could hear their screams, I could feel their pain but I couldn't do anything just only watch as they all told me to run and not look back.

"Mommy! Daddy! Don't go!" I shouted as my parents kissed my forehead with tears in their eyes before they gave me my baby sister and then mouthed words I couldn't remember.

They both ran into the house as I saw the shadows coming for me. I turned back and ran with my barely two years old younger sister who was wailing as I ran without looking back.

They were after me, they wanted me but I had to keep my promise. I had to no matter what, even if it means that I had to lose parts of me here.

"Luminous!" A woman shouted and then a bright light from her staff shined brightly making all the shadows to fade all.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a sincere kind voice that made my tears burst suddenly.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I was too late." She said as she hugged me while I cried really hard in her arms with my sister's tears assisting mine.

Everyone was gone. My house, my friends and my parents because I could no longer feel that connection, it had snapped.

"Red be ready." Commander said to my earphone before I pulled back my arrow and bow and pointed towards my target.

The target was a three hundred black witch who was walking for the Blood witch. She got children to the blood witch and then if they pass the test, they forcefully make the children witches to cause harm to their families and villages.

"Target locked in." I said softly as I saw her shape-shifting in broad day light but the energy around her was black and tainted.

I released the arrow and it shot right through her heart making a clean pierce before I stood up from where I took my shoot and then started to head back to where my partner was.

"You never use a gun yet you never miss your shot, makes me look bad." Scythe said with a cheeky smile on his face as I glared at him before I took my sword and hooked it on my belt.

"The silent treatment. Really?" He asked in an unbelievable manner and then walked behind me to where the body was lying.

I beheaded her because I needed to be sure she had no way of reviving her body. I took her head not caring if I had blood all over my hands and face.

"We have to turn in early became tonight is the bloody moon." I said before Scythe scoffed.

"You are even more serious than commander. Seems you really want to get a lot of witches tonight." Scythe said and I nodded before he placed his hands on my shoulders and then smiled.

"Okay. Let's do that so that little Red riding hood can go back to being cute." Scythe teased me making me blush before I used my cape and covered my face.

Scythe was my partner and the only person who could handle my standoff personality. He understood me me and that was the only reason I never ignored him. He said I was a refreshing spirit to him.

Scythe wasn't your handsome type but he was tall, strong, funny and his vibes could match anyone with just a simple greeting. It was these qualities that commander Lilith, my foster mother, chose him as my partner.

The guild I was in was known as the Red Hood. We were witch hunters who hunted down witches that terrorised innocent people for their personal reasons. I was one of the youngest people to have a high ranking in the guild at a young age.

"Red walk with me." Commander Lilith said before I threw the head over to Scythe and trailed behind her quickly.

Lilith and I walked through the garden as we watched children and couples who were enjoying themselves in the centre of the guild. Everyone here all had their parts and some were in the Red Hood since they were wearing red hoods.

Lilith was my foster mother, an elf who would probably be around four hundred years with red hair, blue eyes, big boobs and a small stature that made her look younger than her actual age.

"Tonight is the blood moon. Is it possible if I tell you to stay here son?" She asked as her gentle eyes met my aloof ones.

"I'm a hunter so I can't back out. I understand your worried but I assure you commander there's nothing to worry about." I informed her make her pout like a child.

"You don't have to be formal, I'm also your mom too."

"Well till you act more motherly, I'll call you that. I have to go get Goldie." I said before I bowed my head and then walked away.

I got home and dropped my hood on the chair along with my weapon before I entered the kitchen and started to wash my hands.

"Big brother your home! Welcome." Goldie said excitedly as she ran and jumped into my arms.

Goldie was going to be thirteen tomorrow. She had long wavy blonde hair that looked golden with blue eyes and a button nose. She had a very feminine face that made her resemble a doll but she also had a knack for getting into trouble even with her sweet personality.

"Here. Happy birthday in advance." I said as I handed her a little box which she accepted and then opened.

"Wow!!" She exclaimed as she excited put on the little golden bear necklace with a bright smile on her face.

"I love it, I love it, I love it!" She shouted excitedly before she pecked my cheeks every five seconds.

Goldie brought my meal for me since she has always been a better cook. She fed me like how little babies love to feed someone they trusted making me to laugh at how great she was taking care of me.

"I won't be back in a while so I need you to stay in Lilith's house." I informed her making her pout and whine.

"But tomorrow's my birthday."

"I'll be back by tomorrow, I just need you to stay with someone tonight. It's not going to be safe out there." I explained before she sighed and then nodded.

"I'll go to mom's house." She said before I patted her head and then she smiled.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I asked before we both laughed at that question.

Golden eyes that shined brightly like the moon, eyes that turned red before going back to its original colour as they stared into mine. I could see a wolf but I could feel a man in his soul too.

He stared at me with love and protectiveness as he placed its cold nose on my warm nose and then licked my face gently.

Mate. I could hear his voice speaking softly in my head as he howled happily to the moon.

I woke up and then held my head in confusion. What does this mean?

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