Chapter Sixteen

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"Your all sorry excuse for knights." I said as I flawlessly dodged their sync attack. It was getting boring playing with animated toys so I decided to end this annoying back.

"Dispel!" I shouted as the spell on them destroyed turning them into corpses. If this had been Red fighting, his blood would have killed them since he shares or rather we share the same bloodline with Morgana.

I was still smirking triumphantly when a blast was shot at me, my back flying to the ground as I groaned.

"That hurts like crap." I cursed as another blast came my direction, tumbling my body as I managed to support myself, landing on all fours.

"You still have a long way to go before you beat me." I tsked then smirked, mentally mocking of our history.

"Last I remember, I was the one who burnt your previous body. I didn't know you still carried that grudge." I said as I stood with confidence, my body covered in dust and dirt that I didn't bother cleaning.

"Charming. Thank you for reminding me about that, I promised to cause you a little suffering." She said as she brought out a knife and cut her self, chanting soft words as I stared at the sky which had gotten darker.

All sounds around us died as the air got colder. This place wasn't the elves realm, this was another, a cold world with no feeling but loneliness and pain. It was called the realm of lost souls and nightmare. I stared at her wondering why she brought me here as she licked her blood off the knife.

"We will fight here. If you win me, I will be left behind in this realm for all eternity." She explained and I gave her a short nod of interest.

"And if I lose?" I asked and she smiled, taking off her veil.

"Your mate dies." She said as she snapped her finger and slowly I watched the halfgod manifest into this horrible realm, his body chained to the cage like some feral animal he clearly wasn't.

"What if I refuse to fight or it ends with a draw?" I asked as I placed a hand on my chin.

"Let's leave the fates to decide that and I know you despise them." She teased as she placed her hands in her round hips as I cursed.

"This clearly isn't my battle to fight." I said as I slowly absorbed myself into the darkness.

The war has always been between mortals.

I opened my eyes, loving how I was in control but pissed that Reid left me with no weapon of defense. My eyes trailed to Reece who was struggling desperately to break the chains but his efforts were fruitless.

How the hell do you expect me to fight Reid? I thought as I took a fighting stance, charging at Morgana who with a wave of hands pushed me into the cold sand.

"You should just materialize a weapon dumbass. Your father could do it, your grandfather, why are you so different?" Reid said with irritation ashe scratched his nails on the wall of my head making me hiss.

"You bastard!" I groan as I stood up, concentrating hard as a sword and a gun materialize.

"This is where the battle starts." I said as I pointed the gun at her, pulling the trigger as it hit her barrier destroying it as another one hit her shoulder making her curse.

The wound slowly started to heal as I charged, slashing the sword as she moved back blasting me but I escaped in time. She cursed, materializing two daggers and faced it at me.

"I guess I can do things the old fashioned. I wouldn't want to ruin the vessel." She said as her gown changed into combat pants and a shirt, her long hair tying to a ponytail.

She charged towards me as I used the gun as a sword, defending myself as she effortlessly moved her body. She hasn't lived for more than two hundred years for nothing as she has better movements in her body than I'll ever have with extra years of training.

I kicked her in the face, as she slashed the dagger against my stomach resulting in me falling. She snapped her head back to position as she came closer but I surprised by pulling the trigger and the bullet left a hole in her left eyes.

"You really are formidable. If only your dear sister was like you, I wouldn't have killed her." She said as she placed her foot on my neck, making it difficult to breathe as I he'll her leg, my blood staining her pants.

"She was your granddaughter. Your blood flowed through her." I argued as she scoffed.

"And that's why she was useless. She was ignorant, too smart for her own good and pathetic but you are different. Oh how my soul rejoiced when she was chocking on her blood. I am so happy that you were the one born with the demon, I made sure you were when your mother was pregnant." She revealed as my eyes opened as I stared at her in disbelief.

"It's possible to transfer a demon but only if and only if, the demon loves the other soul. Roxanna carried the demon but it chose you. You were too pure for it to ignore." She explained as the daggers materialized into spear and she stabbed my foot making me scream in pain.

She stabbed my other foot as blood spilled before she removed her foot off my neck, her eyes fully healed. She kicked my bleeding gut again and again before she smiled.

"I can't kill you but I want you to suffer. Watch as I kill your mate, watch as I take the thing keeping your humanity away before I make you watch your youngest die and the last thing you remember being you did nothing as you watch them die." She said as she walked up to Reece who was struggling against the chain to save me.

"Do you need my help?" Reid asked pulling me into my head, my body naked as he sat in a bloody pool. I clenched my fist, walking closer to him but he raised his finger, shaking it. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you unless you strike a deal with me." He said as he sipped from a glass of wine in his hand.

"What do you want?!" I asked as I clenched my fists, my eyes meeting his.

"Give me control. All control. Let me be the host." He said with a cocky smile and I looked at him.

"Okay. Just save Reece, please." I begged my eyes softening as his smile fell.

He walked up to me, taking my hand and pulling me into the pool slowly. We stood in the center, his eyes meeting mine before he smirked.

"Remember this Red..." He paused as he brought his lips closer to mine. "Two halves make a whole. I am you, your darkness and you are me, my light, my humanity." He said before he kissed me and I felt something entering inside me and then it happened...I blacked out.

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