Chapter Two

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I'm a man on a mission- oh the larceny.

"Tonight is when a witches power increase, including our weapons. Black witches will assemble together all over to cast plagues, curses and darkness in lands and rulers. Take out as many as possible with little to no mercy. Have your partners back and remember, the soul of the righteous shall be rewarded." Commander said as everyone saluted and cheered before we all entered our vehicles.

"Take your positions hunters." Commander Lilith ordered as every archer took their positions wherever they were waiting for their targets.

I watched as seven witches appeared, all in black cloaks covering their face and holding hands. They were chanting something as the fire in the middle of them got bigger but didn't surpass the circle it was drawn within.

I watched as they threw in one of their own and slaughtered her neck within the circle making me shocked.

They just killed one of their own. Witches were barbaric but not without reason which only confused me more.

I pointed my arrow at two of the witches not wanting to wait for them to continue their ritual. I released it and instantly, it passed through their magical barrier and shoot straight to their hearts.

Two witches down but then the remaining didn't move, instead they watched as their friends bleed to death while I killed two more.

What was happening? What was so important that they hadn't attacked me? Why were they so confident?

I signaled my crew to go ahead and attack because I was starting to become cautious on what was happening and then at that moment as I pointed my arrow at the last standing witch, she looked at me with her green eyes and smiled.

"It is finished!" She shouted in joy before she fell dead without my arrow being released.

I watched as the flame turned green and out of the flame, a woman arose with a smile on her face making me gasp.

It wasn't possible. How could it be? She was suppose to be dead. I thought as my hands trembled while her eyes met mine.

She was just as beautiful as I remembered with her white long hair and her blue eyes, down to her red lips and her red gown. She smiled at me as she stretched her hands towards me.

"I'm sorry I was too late." She whispered to my soul making me shiver.

"Grandmother." I whispered back making her smile and giving me that insincere sad eyes.

I pointed my arrow at her as tears flowed down my eyes. I needed to grant her mercy, I needed to kill her before she would bring bad luck and harm to innocent people but why was my hand shaking.

"I'm sorry too." I whispered before I shot the arrow but then I gasped when I felt cold hands on my neck and stomach.

"I won't let you kill me again child. I have to live." She whispered behind my ears as she gripped my chin hard with her cold hands.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted and then I hit her with my elbow making her to fall down to the ground.

I pulled out a dagger from my boots and was about to stab her when she used magic to push me away. She raised me up to a tree and then started to strangle me as I struggled to breathe.

"You've gotten more beautiful as the years passed. I've missed you, join me and we can create a perfect world together." She said as she loosen the hold on my neck making me cough out for air.

"Fuck...You." I said inbetween breaths before she sighed and then walked closer to me.

"Well all those times I was in hell, I've been making a special spell just for you." She said as she came closer to me.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I shouted as she walked closer.

I closed my eyes when she was about to touch me but her hand never did. Instead, I heard the sound of an animal growling before I opened my eyes and stared in shock.

It was a wolf? It was bigger than any wolf I have ever seen and could stand on it's two feet. I watched as the wolfman, attacked my grandmother who used a protection barrier to block its attack but his attack cut through her barrier, slashing her arms and chest in exchange.

She screamed in pain as she moved back before she looked at me with nothing but dark hatred in her eyes.

"We'll see again Red." She said before she disappeared from the scene.

I fell from the tree she had placed a spell on to hold me but I didn't touch the floor, I landed something hard, strong and warm.

"Mate." The wolfman whispered, its eyes never leaving my own. I closed my eyes when I felt his hand touching my head gently before he licked my dried tears.

I released myself from his arms before I picked up my weapon and shook my head in disagreement.

"I'm sorry but I can't." I said before I ran away to where my crew would probably be waiting for me.

I have never been so scared in my life about my future. I wasn't afraid about the situation, I was afraid about how fast my heart was beating in excitement, how my nose was inhaling his forestry scent and how beautiful his eyes were.

Scythe saw me running towards him and waved but he kept his hands slowly when he saw how flustered my face was and my unsure look.

"Red!" He shouted as he ran towards me before I fell down flat on his chest in exhaustion.

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