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Promise a lie you want to keep

tomorrow is valentines day
i hate valentines day
but its her birthday
i know i have not spoken to her in a long time but
i miss her
i wish she never moved away
i want to tell you about her but
i would not know what to tell you
she was my best friend
i thought i needed her
i guess not
she left
she moved and she drifted
that is all there is too it
she gave me happiness
she gave me hope
but she left
we promised to stay connected when she left
we did not do that
so i do not talk to her
the only way i will drop someone
is if they talk bad about my family
break a promise
or break my trust
once any of those is done i will continue in life
as if i never met them
i really hope you do not drift from me
i think i need you
but i thought i needed her
she was my best friend
i miss having a best friend
i need a new one
but it is hard for me to find friends
because everyone is busy
with jobs
and life
i am just gonna deal with it
he can be my best friend
he is really all i have
his name is Dani
he goes by that because Daniel is his middle name
he does not like his first name
i know it
but i promised not to tell
and i always keep my promises

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