
17 1 0

i just wrote one

but it is 3am

which means

it is a new day

you said

you want to hear something you wrote

from my perspective

so that is what this is

i went to your house

before leaving i made sure

i had my hoodie string

i do not quite remember why anymore

but it made me feel safe

i wanted to see your reaction

so i asked you to play with my hair

and you actually did

it was weird for me but

oddly comforting

you randomly decided to show me

your jewelry

i am fairly blind and i do not like

to wear my glasses

so i got a little close

i did not try to be that close

but i was

i was just too embarressed to say i can not see them

i did not mean to get that close

i have been that close with some people

but i did not like it

i tell people no

but they thought i meant go for it

i feel as though at that time

when we were close

i was not the only one

slightly uncomfortable

but it was oddly comforting

i do not really know what it was

nor do i know what i wanted it to be

but sometimes i wonder

what would have happened

if i had just told you i could not see

but i guess we will never know

because i did not do that

and you can not go back in time

no matter how much you want to

but i guess that is fine

because mistakes make us human

and stuff


that is that day we spent

from my eyes

or whatever

sorry if it is confusing kinda

i am not very good at this

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