
23 4 10

i miss you
you do not know that
at least i do not think
but i do
you probably do not read this
at least not anymore
i know you did at some point
because you also did something like this
is it bad i miss you calling me taekook
you called me that because of my smile
you said it was cute
you called me beautiful
i said not to
but i liked it
because i know you really thought that
my friend
yeah him
he misses you too
he liked you
he thinks you are funny
and other stuff
you never saw or heard him
but he was always there
because he liked you
the only person he ever liked
in a non-platonical way
was me
well is me
i like that he likes them
i wish he liked you
i am over you
but you were fun to talk to
you were different than everyone else
i liked that
you were weird
but in a good way
i am kind of sad he did not like you
but i guess things happen
friends come and go
crushes come and go
we all forget about them
over time
it is just life
it is inevitable
like death

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