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Eyes almost bulging out of their sockets as the realization came crashing, much faster than London bridge had in that little rhyme for sure, her son... Was an omega.

One alpha that would take over their pack as well as lead the mafia after the present alpha, was all they needed. Unfortunately, that had not been the case for the Park family, although no one knew.

Their omega son was to be the alpha of the pack, and though everyone questioned them as he grew to be a cute boy not looking like an alpha in the slightest, Jimin was well trained, a black belt in Karate, he also learnt Taekwondo, Judo, Aikido and was specialized on martial arts in general. This made their omega son who was covered in scent block seem more like an alpha.

Jimin had known all his life about his situation, he was told from the day he had presented, and was sad seeing his parents constantly on the edge of their seats, though they never loved him and were always tough on him, they made him who he was.
Jimin was able to stand in the presence of any alpha unshakably challenge them and evidently win, he proved himself and soon no one could question his authority.

Jimin was so much different from other omegas, his mother had suspected so and even his father did before they had died.
He was like an emotionless robot when the need arouse and also knew when to go back to his cold, unsmiling self.

Jimin was as hard as the strongest of Jewels, unbreakable... Well, that was until he found a furnace that was called Jungkook, hot enough to melt him.

Hence the situation at hand...

“What are you doing here?” The smaller alpha quickly ran to door, locking it.
“You aren't meant to be in here!... Listen-”

“I fucking knew it-”

“Yeah... I know, I'm an omega... You have to keep this quiet, okay?” The younger, petite alpha's desperation began showing as his stomach churned.
“I'll give you whatever want- some of my men? I'll give them to you, don't say anything to anyone.”

“Pretty... You smell so good... So fucking pretty...”
Jungkook was dazed as his nostrils got filled with a—what could only be defined as heavenly, blend of honey and blueberries—his favorite fruit.

“What? Don't say such nonsense...”
Jungkook was slowly backing the younger one to the wall that stood behind them both.
“Get away, Jungkook. You're not even meant to be here... What are you doing in MY mansion?”

Jimin visibly stiffened as a hand came up to caress his cheeks, tracing an invisible line down to his clothed torso. The touch was gentle but conveyed lust, unspoken lust.
An arm wrapping around his waist snaps him out of his trance.

“L-Let go...”
Jimin pressed his thighs together firmly but Jungkook was quicker and nudged a knee between them before he could.
“J-J-Jungkook stop...”

“It's no wonder my wolf's been driving me crazy, I had a feeling you were an omega, but this... Meeting you like this. This confirms it.”
Jungkook rested his forehead against Jimin's completely engulfing the smaller's frame, looking him in the eye, he watched as Jimin went through some sorta struggle internally.

“You should stop fighting it though... I know that you know.”
Jimin had no idea of what was referring to or talking about, but, those breathy whispers against the smaller's ears took a swoop at his uncrackable facade.

“D-Don't do this J-Jungkook...”
The blush creeping up his cheeks was enough to make him feel things that he'd never felt before and for the first time in his life he was uncomfortable under someone's stare, pinned under someone and actually feeling weak.
What is this?
Jimin had thought, as he lowered his gaze, another first that had now been taken by Jungkook.

Jungkook's grip on his waist got tighter at this act of submission, Jimin gasping as a result, although he hadn't known what he had done.
The alpha pulled the omega forward, their bodies against each other as the omega trembled, knees buckling beneath him...

The alpha-OMEGAWhere stories live. Discover now