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Jimin ended up seated in the passenger seat-for the first time, in a sport car he didn't own-another first, quietly with his chin resting on his palm and out of the corner of his eye he could still see Mr Min 'still' smiling before he cleared his throat, a guilty expression weighing down his previous one.

"So, I'm sorry I didn't ask earlier before holding your hand like that all of a sudden, I got all excited..."


"I'm also sorry for not asking where you live. Where do you live?"

"Park Avenue"

"Oh... I know that place"


"I'm sorry, I'm naturally boring like this..."
The man let out self mocking laughter.
Now this... To this Jimin raised an eyebrow, that was infact false.

"You're not."
Jimin spoke as he now rested the side of his face on his palm, gazing fully at the alpha.

"I'm sorry, what?"
Yoongi didn't quite catch the other's words.

"You're not boring, you were quite interesting to speak to."

"Ah... T-Thank you."
Jimin gave the other a nod.

At this point Jimin was seriously questioning if Mr Min was actually an alpha.

"Thank you"
Jimin said as he got out of the car, it was rare for Jimin to say thank you, but he did.

"It was no problem at all Mr Park."
He got out of the car, standing before Jimin who was about to go inside.

"Drop the formalities. Call me Jimin, that's my name."
The omega said giving a small smile, cheeks still a slight red as the chill of the night's air caressed both his cheeks.

"If I do so then please call me Yoongi as well."
The alpha replied.

"I've got no problem with that."
Jimin smiled wider.

The alpha smiled as well.
"I'm glad"
Yoongi was lying. He was actually extremely pleased and in a way relieved because he thought the other would refuse. But in another part of him, his chest bubbled with warmth seeing the omega smile again.

The little cloud of sweetness quickly seemed like a mirage when someone stormed over.

"Park Jimin where the hell were you?!"
Jimin knew that voice all too well.

"Good God, gracious Lord, glorious heavens, not again..."
The omega sighed, head falling into his palm.
"Yah! What is it this time Mr Jeon?!"
Jimin yelled right back glaring as Jungkook approached.

"Where were you? I came over and you weren't around so I waited- who is this?!"
Jungkook cut himself off so sharply that Jimin wondered how he didn't bite his tongue.

Jungkook turned around to look at Jimin meanwhile Yoongi still looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
"What happened to you? Did you drink?"
Jungkook placed a palm to Jimin's warm cheeks and Jimin looked away in return.

"So you did. And who's he?"
Jungkook carefully eyed the alpha, sliding a hand in his pocket.

"You shouldn't associate concern with whom I decide to mingle with, it's none of your business."
Jimin answered coldly.

"Oh, but it is. I'm your alpha"
To this Yoongi's eyes went wide and he quickly stepped in.

"He's your alpha?"
Yoongi asked.

Jimin snapped his head towards him hastily.
"No, he is not"

Jungkook growled the moment those words came from Jimin's lips and Jimin sighed once again, rolling his eyes.

"You're coming with me."
Jungkook growled grabbing Jimin by the wrist.

"No he's not."
Yoongi responded coldly getting fed up by the other alpha's actions.

"Jimin is mine"
The younger growled, pupils red.

"Yet he didn't say so"
Yoongi growled in return, his eyes doing a quick flash of silver.

"Jimin we're leaving."
Jungkook turned to leave, Jimin's wrist still in his hand but stopped and turned back around when Jimin's wrist was pulled out of his loose grip.

"Leave him be."
Yoongi growled pupils overcome by shiny silver as he glared at the younger alpha.

Jimin couldn't even get a word out, both of them not letting him speak and Jimin wasn't sure how to react but he knew that things were about to go down if he didn't stop them.

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