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"Do you always carry a gun with you, every step of the way?" The alpha asks looking too smug, snatching away just a tad bit of Jimin's satisfaction at seeing him.

So he snarls. "Wouldn't you like to know?" And Jungkook smirks, lifting both hands in surrender a lot like the uninvited button man had done.

"Calm down omega." His left arm wraps around the omega and rests at the swell of his butt and despite his wording and bold movement Jimin could only find himself shying away rather than getting angered.
"You look beautiful baby." Jungkook appraises him, then his thumb moves to caress his lips before he's leaning forward and pressing their bodies closer but Jimin is pulling away and regaining his composure just as fast as he presses his palm against Jungkook's lips to keep the kisses at bay.

"You get bolder and bolder everytime we meet." He scoffs and he can feel Jungkook's smirk beneath his palm before he feels the kiss and hears the smack of the alpha's lips from beneath his palm. Jimin quickly moves his hand away but he gets caught midway and his hand is engulfed in Jungkook's.

Yes, Jungkook was indeed getting bold.

He interlocks their fingers.

Really bold.

And Jimin's heart secretly fluttered.

He stared at Jimin with nothing short of what he deserved; respect, adoration and more.

"You always find new ways to marvel me." He says softly, staring fondly and Jimin turns away. This was definitely something Jimin had not expected, it was quite different from the usual banters.

"Be quiet and get in the car, or we'll be late." He ushers and Jungkook breaks into a chuckle as he says, "You don't even know where we're going yet, how'd you know if we're late or not?"

"I'm glad you find this amusing but lets get on with this now." Jimin remarks coldly, pushing away Jungkook's hand from his waist, untangling their interlocked hands and getting into the car, all the while Jungkook's smile was undying, crackling up into laughter when Jimin bangs the door a little harder than normal.

"You're so cute when you're mad." He laughs as he gets into the car and Jimin glares.

The drive to whatever venue Jungkook had planned was left unknown to Jimin, to get there took a while, about 33 to 35 minutes of comfortable silence and the alpha's occasional heart palpitating flirting- which the omega ignored for the most part- before they'd arrived.

Jungkook hurries out of the car after turning it off, he opens the car door for Jimin to slide out, offering him his hand which Jimin takes and Jungkook being Jungkook, also takes the opportunity to kiss to which Jimin blushes but rolls his eyes at the treatment.
"You're so extra."
Jimin mutters and Jungkook smiles brightly.

"Shall we?"
Jungkook does an exaggerated bow, making a weird face that has Jimin fighting off a smile.

"I swear, you silly-" Jimin burst into giggles as he tapped Jungkook's arm lightly and Jungkook smiled at him like a love stuck man.

The omega's giggles die down.

"Let's go in then?" The alpha asks, winding an arm around the omega's waist.

"Lead the way" Jimin supplies and they're going.

The security stationed at the doors see Jungkook and immediately bow.
"Welcome sir."
They say uniformly, then stand upright and open the doors. Jungkook pays their greetings no mind, focused on guiding the omega on his arm inside.

"Ah! Boss!" A man says and Jimin watches silently as a man bows to the both of them.

"Sungho... This is Park Jimin my omega, Jimin this is Khang Sungho, he manages this establishment."

Jimin fights off the urge to tell the alpha off for introducing him as his. It would be quite embarassing for Jungkook and Jimin would definitely not like to make the air awkward.

"Oh! I've seen you on the news! It's an honour to meet you Mr Park!"
The man-Sungho, bows deeply.

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