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By the end of the night Mr Min felt like he'd made his greatest achievements yet, he was able to make Mr Park smile, it was a small but oh-so-beautiful smile he had.

His eyes narrowed and lips stretched slightly but just enough to look like half moons and though it happened only once due to the omega's slightly tipsy state, the omega immediately used both hands to cover his face before the other could see it bloom into a full one. That's when Mr Min took notice of his hands, small and cute, he couldn't help but adore the other's qualities, they where extremely pleasing to the eye. Mr Min was so sure that there was no smile and neither nothing nor no one could compare to the beauty sitting before him.

But somehow, just as quickly as that afternoon had started, it came to an end as well.

“Well it was a pleasant afternoon as well as evening Mr Min, you aren't as bad as you seemed at first glance, but I'd best be going now.” Jimin spoke taking one last sip from the glass a pleasant buzz running through him, making him flush slightly.

He stood patting at his clothes gently as though dusting them and Mr Min was just simply surprised, unlike most omegas that couldn't handle themselves at all when they're drunk, Jimin didn't even stumble once as he started approaching the door, he seemed to have such bruising grip on himself and Mr Min began to feel concern.

Mr Min had somehow built a mansion of respect with a room of adoration for Jimin at the little time he'd spent with the omega, and now imagining how much Jimin must've gone through just to become this independent, knowing the dependent nature of omegas he just, felt compelled to. Not out of pity no, far from that but just-

“Mr Park”
He addressed, standing from where he was seated and making his way to the dual-purposed door that served as both the entrance and exit to the private room.

Jimin turned around to meet the man's stare and a steadily shortening distance and he was suddenly on guard again as he spoke;

“None at all.” Mr Min supplied tucking both hands in his pockets, when Jimin's eyes narrowed suspiciously, still on guard.
“I just wanted to know if-... You know what, forget it. It's quite a laughable idea.”

“No, don't do that. Do speak your your mind.” Jimin folded his arms, shifting his weight from his left foot to right.

“Umm... I was wondering”
One hand left his pocket rubbing his sweaty palm on his pants sneakily to make sure other didn't notice.
“Would you let me drop you off?”

Jimin's eyes widened before he burst out laughing.
“Y-You know what! Forget about it.”
Mr Min felt quite embarrassed as he turned away, planning on returning to his seat and ensuring that the other had left before he followed suit when he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around.

“I'd usually decline an offer like yours but, I'll call my driver and tell him to leave without me. You have my permission, you can take me home.”

Jimin spoke and Mr Min let a lazy small grin take over his features, running a hand through his hair.
“Thank you”

Jimin nodded, bitting back a smile.

“We should be on our way then”
Mr Min grabs the other's hand which clearly took the other by surprise.

Jimin agreed allowing Yoongi do the strutting for the both of them while he simply gets 'almost' dragged along.

If watching the both of them from afar it'd probably be a funny sight.

Two stoic men being surprisingly expressive; the one in blue, seemingly excited about something and the other lazily getting somewhat dragged out of a 5 star restaurant, crisp white suit coat wrinkling in his squeeze.

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