15. A Day in Ryuzetsu Land

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(Y/n)'s POV:

"Ryuzetsu Land..?"

"Yeah! I heard that Fairy Tail are going there too!" Yukino had sparkle in her eyes.

"Oh? So Natsu-san is going? Then there's no reason for me to miss this!" Sting exclaimed.

"Eh.. Can I stay at the guild.. I'm exhausted from the Games...I want to relax. " I pouted.

"Nooo~ (Y/n) you must accompany me!!" Sting look at me with his puppy eyes.
Damnnn... Why is he so adorable..

"F-Fine..." I turn away fo hide my blush.

"Yaaay!! (Y/n) you're the besttt!!" I got tackled into a bear hug by Sting.

"S-Sting...G-Get off..." I yelped. Yukino and others giggled.

"You jerk!!! You're crushing my cousin!!" Minerva pulled Sting's ear and he let go of me.

Cue sweatdrop.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!!!" Sting cried in pain. "What the hell Minerva!!!"

Minerva let go, but she still have an irk mark on her face.

"Are you going to Ryuzetsu Land too, Minerva?" I asked.

"Nope, sorry. I need to accompany father to a very important meeting." She sighed.

"You guys go have fun without me" Minerva smiled, but then glared at Sting.

Sting had sweat all over his face.

Awkward silence flowed in the air.

"Ahahahaha...Should we start packing our things then?" I asked, hoping to break the silence.

Everyone agreed, and started heading back to their rooms to pack their things.

---Time Skip

Normal POV:

"Wow, so this is Ryuzetsu Land?"

"It's huge!"

As the girls of Sabertooth walked out of the changing room in their swimming suits, a voice called out to them.

"(Y/n)! Yukino! You're here!" Lucy and the other Fairy Tail girls were walking towards them.

"Lucy-San, Erza-San! " "Lucy-Sama!"

The girls chatted as they walked to gather with their guildmates, they caught all the males' attention. They were all drooling over the girls' slim body.

Sigh, pervs.


"Heads up!!" Lucy smashed the volley ball with both of her hands.

"Oh no you don't!!" (Y/n) blocked the ball.

They had so much fun, (y/n) started to feel exhausted.

"S-sorry guys, I'm going to rest for awhile." (Y/n) sat on a poolside chair and drank some water before looking around.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I looked around and saw Sting was chatting and laughing  at the bar with Natsu and the other males. There were some girls trying flirt with them, and one girl with pink hair even tried to pull Sting to the pool.

I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my chest. Is this how jealousy feels like? I sighed heavily.

Suddenly my arm was being pulled up and I was led to the bar.


He didnt replied, instead, he gave me a toothy smile.

He pushed me towards his friends.

"Oh, yo, (Y/n)!" Natsu grinned.

The others started surrounding me as they greet me. I can feel the girls who was flirting with the boys glaring at me.

The pink haired girl pulled Sting's arm, which made me growled a little.

"Sting-kun let's go--" Sting didn't even let her finish her sentence, he swung her hands off his arms and wrapped them around my waist from behind. I blushed at his sudden action.

He rested his head on my shoulder, "Don't get so near her, bastards! She's mine and only mine, got that? And nothing will change my love for her, nothing." Sting glared at the pink haired girl, she flinched.

Natsu laughed,"Hahaha!! Alright Sting, we got it. Geez, I should make a bet with you before our battle."

"Oh? What kind of bet, Natsu-San?" Sting questioned.

"Whoever wins, (Y/n) will have to join the winner's guild. " Natsu grinned.

Sting snapped,"Then I'll definitely win!!!"

Natsu just grinned, then he winked at me.
Oh..he's trying to show me how important I am to Sting..?

I blushed, and gave him a smile in return.


After swimming , splashing and playing in the water with Sting, we strolled beside the pool while holding each other's hand.

Until a voice rang though our ears and stopped us.


We turned around and saw Juvia walking towards us with Gray.

"Hello Juvia!" I waved at them.

They stopped in front of us,

"What are you guys doing?" Gray asked.

"Oh nothing. Just strolling around."

"Juvia thinks both of you should go and ride the Love-Love Slider. It's a slide for couples!" Juvia eyes sparkled.

"Yeah, you guys should totally go." Gray agreed.

"A-A slide f-for c-couples?" I blushed at its name. Sting pulled me closer to him. "Hey good idea! Let's go, (y/n)!"

"S-Sure... but only in one condition." I smirked. "Hm?"

"Gray will have to ride the slide with Juvia after us."

Sting cracked up, Juvia and Gray were blushing like mad.

We went to the slide , Sting immediately made us in a hugging position and went down the slide.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!! STIIIIIIING!!!!" I shut my eyes tightly and clung onto Sting, who was laughing like crazy. How can he still laugh?! I mentally cried, but I was also blushing as Sting's perfect toned chest was just next to my face...

The whole area suddenly froze, and we slipped on the ice and flew into the air before landing on the ground. I opened my eyes and saw Sting was on top of me. I blushed madly, Sting's face reddened too.

Natsu tried to melt ice with his Fire Dragon Fist, but ended up destroying the whole place. And Fairy Tail had to pay for everything.

We laughed as Master Makarov cried, it was hilarious.

Today was surely a fun and crazy day. Especially when Fairy Tail's around.

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