Prologue:"hey, new fish"

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The beginning

The metal gate created as loud churning noise as it slid open, his heart was beating fast as he was pushed through into a large room where they were asked, or should he say yelled to stand in a straight line. His hands were cuffed together and was glad he wasn't alone, being with a couple other prisoners.

"You lot are hear because you have been pieces of shit, some of you are only here for a short time, you are the lucky ones. And some of you are here for a long time, good luck to you," the guard said with a grin.

He felt uncomfortable, not only was he obviously gay, he was also, within the prisoners around him, the least built which meant it wasn't likely that he would be able to protect himself.

He sighed to himself as men suddenly came from a door which was placed at the back of the room holding clothes in their arms. One by one they were given new sets of clothes, t-shit, underwear, trousers, socks and a pair of plimsolls. All of which we blue, he would have liked the colour if he were in a different situation.

"Put them on," the guard said and he paused. He didn't want to strip and get dress in from of all of these people. The other prisoners around him had started to take their clothes off and he looked down at the clothes in his hands.

"Hey twink, what did I just tell you to do?" the man yelled and he immediately started to take off his clothes.

"I'm sorry, sir," he said but the man walked nearer to him, towering over him. The guard laughed.

"It's not like you don't enjoy seeing all of these naked men is it?" The guard said and he stayed quiet. He didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, the guard grabbed his chin and pulled his head up making him look into his eyes. "You better watch yourself in here twink," the guard said and he swore that he could see a little spike of genuine fear for him in the mans eyes, but in a second it was gone and the guard turned and walked off yelling at them all to hurry up.

Once they were all dressed they were led into another room leaving their clothes behind, the last bit of his old life disappearing to be given back the day he got out of this hell hole.

"Ok, were about to take you to your cells, just keep in a straight line and don't look around too much. You will get a chance to look around yourselves once you settle in," the guard said before leading out of the room the trail following him.

If his heart was beating any harder he thought it might burst out his chest. On the other side of the door was a set of metal stairs and their footsteps sent an echo around the room as they descended down them.

It was an open room below so they could see all the barred cells on the two different floors below them. They stopped as they reached their first floor of cells and everyone looked to the guard to see who would be staying on this floor.

"If I call your name stay here, if I don't carry on with me. Smith, Cooper, Hummel and Harper," his heart skipped a beat when his name was called and then all of the others were slowly lead away down another set of stairs leaving the four of them alone and clueless.

No one spoke to one another, no one dared. The door opened behind them and another guard walked down, his head held high with authority.

"Ok fish, let's go". They made their way along a corridor of cells. He looked over the railing on the left side and his stomach dropped at the net that was just above the first floor to catch anyone who tried to kill themselves or hurt someone else by throwing them over.

"Ok Smith, this is your cell," the guard said and a big build guy moved forward and into the now open cell door. He didn't have a clue what the man was in for but he wasn't sure that he wanted to know, he was sure that the man's hands were bigger than his head.

They moved on prisoners being put in cells until he was the last one left. He walked looking towards the ground like the first guard had told them to do, inching his way forward until the guard in front of his stopped and turned to open a cell.

"In you get," the man said and he looked towards the open door before walking towards it, then inside.

He turned back just in time for the guard to slam the door shut and the clunk of it being locked. He felt tear welling in his eyes, he was trapped here.

"Hey, new fish," a voice behind him made him jump and he turned to see a moderately build but a little short, man with dark curls and dark eyes to match. He was leaning against the bunk beds with a hand on his hip.

"Hi," he said taking a step back towards the locked door.

"Aw, don't be afraid new fish, you haven't even got to know me yet," the man smiled. He stood in place watching the man as he giggled and climbed the bed to the top bunk and laid down on his front so he could still look at him.

He must have stood there for about ten minutes before he decided to move further into the room and take a seat on the lower bed, he knew that it was getting late because he must have been here for at least six hours and he had gotten here about four in the afternoon. He had been going through all of the checks, some he would rather not talk about, before he even got to come into the part of the building.

The bed creaked as he sat down and he sighed before laying down looking up at the mattress above, he didn't have a clue who that man was or what he did to get in here. He could be a robber, a rapist, or even a murderer.

He wrapped his arms around himself and turned onto his side letting a silent tears run down his cheeks, he closed his eyes and let himself fall to sleep hoping that his dreams will take him away from here.

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