Chapter twelve: Unwanted 'love'

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Warning for attempted rape!*

His heart was beating fast as Blaine led him somewhere he'd never been before. He didn't know what he meant by 'he was leaving'. But if this was what he thought it was Blaine was crazy, this is a prison there isn't a way out and even if there was he wasn't going to last long on the outside with all the police after him.

Blaine's story had broken his heart, having to kill his own father. It had shocked him to know that Blaine was gay but also to know that his own dad had reacted that way when Blaine thought he could trust him. No wonder he had trust issues.

"Please promise me you won't say anything to anyone," Blaine said stopping to looking at him a worried look plastered on his face.

"Of course Blaine," he replied happy when he saw that this seemed to put Blaine at ease.

They walk a few more metres down the corridor before Blaine looked around and stopped next to a door. He took out a key before looking around again, making sure that there wasn't anyone around before unlocking it and pulling him inside.

It was a closet, though there wasn't much in it. A couple of large metal shelves with a few random items on them but that was it. Blaine locked the door behind him, locking them inside and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why are we here Blaine?" he asked a little nervous as to what he was going to reply with.

Blaine paused taking a breath before moving forward and falling to his knees reaching under one of the shelves pulling out a large square sheet of metal.

"What's that?" he asked and Blaine turned to him and smiled.

"It's not about this, it's about what its hiding underneath it," Blaine said putting the piece of metal to the side before turning back and dragging out the shelf.

He gasped when he saw the human sized tunnel carved into the floor. "How did you do this?" he said looking to Blaine with wide eyes.

"Well, firstly there aren't any cameras along the corridor just outside, not that anyone else knows that. I know that because I got attacked just outside of this door and normally guards will come and stop it, but they didn't. I heard a couple of guards arguing about there not being cameras when they found me. They thought I was passed out and that's when I got the idea," Blaine said and he listened slightly aghast. "It's not too hard to get keys around here, you just look for the right guard and pick pocket them it. Luckily it wasn't a key that they'd miss. When I first came in here I was just glad that it looked unused and even luckier that even after four months of doing this no one's come inside here," Blaine explained and he nodded.

"I've obviously thought of the bigger picture," Blaine said sitting down before lowering himself into the hole and disappearing. For a second he didn't know if Blaine was going to come back up but suddenly his head popped out of the hole and he dumped a big plastic wallet full of paper on the side.

"What's that?" he said sitting on the floor next to the hole that Blaine still remained in, his hair had small bits of stone stuck in like it had grazed on the top of the hole.

Blaine seemed to notice what he was looking at and ran his hands through his hair removing them before continuing. "These are plans to the prison, there are tunnels running beneath it that lead out. I stole them from the warden's office, for a while it was like I had tunnel vision and there was nothing that could stop me," Blaine said picking at the edge of the pack. "There are even plans for after I get out of here, I'm going to get a car and run as far and for as long as I can, I know where I can get fake credit cards so even money won't be a problem," Blaine said before looking to him.

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