Chapter five:the gym

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He picked at his lunch not really hungry, it was supposed to be shepherd's pie but to be honest it could be anything. He just pushed the brown mush around the plate taking little bits to feed his hunger.

Blaine had disappeared again, he wondered where he went and if anyone else noticed that he just went awol. Though, the guards didn't seem to pay attention to anything they did, it was only if they got into a fight or was making a disruption that they came in and took you away.

Once he'd decided that he wasn't going to eat anymore and was about to get up Blaine walked in. He walked straight up to the table, looking down at him expectantly.

"Yes?" He asked pushing his chair out and picking up his plate.

"Do you want to know where the gym is of not?" Blaine asked and he suddenly remembered that Blaine had said he'd show him.

"Oh right, yeah I do," he said dropping his plate off onto the trolley as the two it's made their way out of the room.

They took a left turn out of the cafeteria, walking down a long corridor. He hadn't been down this part of the prison before but he hadn't been to a lot of the prison, this isn't the sort of place that you just wandered around in.

At the end of the corridor they took another left and followed it along until they reached a room at the far end of it. Blaine stopped and he stopped a few paces behind him.

"Here, just be careful and don't piss anybody off," Blaine said before turning and walking back the way they had just come from.

"Thanks," he called after him and Blaine held his hand up in a gesture of 'don't worry about it' not even turning around to face him. Then he disappeared around the corner.

He stood there for a second staring at the open door before taking a step forward and peering through.

A lot of the people that were in there had muscles the size of his head, while others were only a little bigger than he was.

Taking a breath to calm himself he walked into the room, no one even looked at him when he walked in and he walked to the weights picking one up to feel it for size.

He rested it down when he felt a presence behind him.

"I don't think you'll find a weight small enough," a voice behind him announced and he turned to see a man who was slightly taller than he was but he skinny and sure didn't look like he had much muscle either.

He opened his mouth to reply but the man held his hand up to stop him.

"Calm down, I can see the annoyance in your eyes and I was only kidding," the man said with a smirk. "I'm Sebastian," the man said sticking his hand out and he looked at it like if he touched it the hand might bite him.

"No? Ok," Sebastian said looking to the ground.

"I'm sorry," he said raising his own hand. There was no point in trying to make friends if you push away the first person who actually talks to you. "I'm Kurt, I'm fairly new around here and don't know what to expect from people," he said and Sebastian smiled taking his hand, giving it a couple shakes before letting go.

Caught in the cellsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang