Chapter nine: if not lovers then friends

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He was happy that Blaine was finally talking to him, they had gone to lunch and he had actually noticed that he was there. Picking at their lunches they talked about what they liked to do in the gym. It wasn't the most sociable conversation but it was a start.

"I've always like boxing, I can feel the anger and the stress leaving me with every punch," Blaine said putting a fork full of his food into his mouth.

"I'm not sure that's healthy but I guess keeping it all inside is worse," he replied and Blaine nodded.

"Totally," Blaine said finishing off his plate before sliding it forward declaring he was finished. After a couple more mouth fulls he did the same before they stood.

"Are you going to the secret place you normally do?" He asked and Blaine smiled looking to the floor.

"Yeah, and its secret for a reason," Blaine said looking back up. "If you want you can go straight to the gym and I'll meet you there in about twenty minutes?" Blaine continued and his eyes widened before he nodded.

"Yeah ok," he replied and Blaine nodded.

"Maybe I can show you a few moves on the punching bag," Blaine said and he laughed before Blaine disappeared from the cafeteria leaving him alone.

He waited a few minutes for his stomach to settle before heading to the gym, he decided that he was going to arms again and walked to the weights. His thigh was still hurting which meant he would struggle on the running machine and decided to keep to the smaller weights just in case he hurt himself.

As he started he turned and sighed when he saw Sebastian coming towards him.

"Hey," Sebastian said with a smug smile and he nodded his hello.

"How come I never see you unless I come in here?" He asked and Sebastian's smug smile widened.

"I come in here a lot, and I assume our cells are far apart unless we would have bumped into each other in the cafeteria. They let you out in areas so there isn't too much of a build-up," Sebastian said moving closer but because he was still lifting his weights he couldn't get too close. "Why don't you want me? Am I not attractive to you?" Sebastian continued and he sighed turning and putting the weights back on the stand.

"Sebastian, I don't think you're unattractive but like I said, I'm not interested. I don't want a hook up, I'm just not that kind of guy," he said wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead with the bottom of his shirt. Sebastian frowned but still moved a little more forward towards him.

"Ok, I get it. I'm sorry, can we be at least friends?" Sebastian asked. He wanted to say no but he was too nice for that.

"Yeah of course," he replied and Sebastian smile pulling him in for a hug. He stiffened for a moment before relaxing, there wasn't any harm in a hug. He pulled away after a few seconds and gave Sebastian his best fake smile. But the smile turned genuine when he saw Blaine in the corner of the gym by the door.

Blaine had a frown on his face and he ignored Sebastian before walked towards him. "Blaine, are you ok?" He asked and Blaine nodded walking further into the room.

"Oh, look who it is, how you doing Blainers?" Sebastian said walking until he was standing next to him again. Blaine gave the man evils before walking past the both of them towards the boxing bag. "Wow touchy," Sebastian mocked and he frowned at him.

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