Chapter seven: conforntation

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Hey, so this is going to be the first chapter with Blaine's POV! Thanks for reading this so far and I hope you're all enjoying it!


He decided that he was going to go into the courtyard, he was aching and needed to allow his muscles to heal themselves. He liked being outside, like he had a fresh space where he could just think about stuff.

He walked to the spot in the corner of the courtyard where he had the first time he'd come out and looked through the linked fence. Looking up he saw the dangerously sharp spikes sitting on top of the fence. Really, that was the only thing keeping him in here.

Well, that and the cameras which would let a dozen guards know that he's trying to escape.

He look beyond it into the sky and noticed that there we hardly any birds here. Though, he knew why they would have preferred to somewhere else, there was nothing to feed on and all of the plants that were within the prisons linked fence were dead.

"Hey, what you looking at fairy?" The voice made him sigh and turn around. Karofsky stood with a couple of his mates stood in a triangle formation behind him.

"I don't want any trouble, ok?" He said backing into the fence.

"Aw, you scared because you don't have your butt buddy to defend you this time?" Karofsky mocked with a smug smile covering his face. There also seemed to be a slight trail of sweat on his forehead, he wasn't sure if it was because he was nervous or because of the heat of the afternoon sun.

He frowned knowing that he was talking about Blaine. They were hardly buddies let alone butt buddies and Blaine defiantly wasn't gay from what he'd seen.

"Not scared, I just don't want to get into a fight," he replied and Karofsky visibly scoffed punching his own hand over and over trying to intimidate him.

"You're kind disgusts me, you just need someone to set you straight," Karofsky laughed and his friends followed like puppy dog trying to please their owner.

"Come on, you know that won't work and the cameras are right there," he pointed up to a couple of cameras hanging on the side of the building and Karofsky just smiled.

"There's no harm in trying is there guys?" Karofsky said and there was mumbles of 'no' that came from behind him. "And the cameras, how long do you think it will take for them to get down here? One, two minutes? Well I can get a few good punches in and a week's worth of solitary will actually be worth it," Karofsky said walking a little closer as the guys behind him spread out so he couldn't run.

"Don't do this," he whispered looking deep into Karofsky's eyes. There has to be a part of him that didn't want to do this.

Karofsky walked closer and he clenched his fist, he wasn't just going to lie down and take it.

Karofsky swung for him and he ducked lunging for the tubby man's legs, pushing them out from beneath him forcing him straight onto the ground. He gasped as someone kicked him in the thigh and he turned swinging for them, they managed to dodge the blow and he was grabbed from behind before another guy punched him in the face.

Angry, he forced his elbows outwards, elbowing the person holding him in the face making them let go and fall to the floor holding their damaged jaw.

Caught in the cellsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora