Chapter fourteen: leave me here

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For the next few days they both decided to lay low, they spent most of their time either in the cell or in the gym. They weren't sure how much time it would take Karofsky to get the uniforms so when he turned up at their cell with a bundle of sheets they were surprised. He looked down on him from his bed on the top bunk adjusting himself so he could get a good look at what was going on. Karofsky still had visible marks on his face from when he had been beaten up, it caused a pit in his stomach and brought him back to times when he had similar bruising.

"I got the sheets," he said handing them out for no one in particular. Blaine seemed to know what he was doing because he climbed from his bed and took them with no hesitation.

"Thank you, means a lot," Blaine said and Karofsky gave a small smile. Blaine placed the sheets on the bed before looking back to Karofsky who hadn't moved. The bed creaked a little as he sat up and moved from the bed deciding to sit at the top of the ladder with his legs dangling below him.

"Do you know when you'll do it?" Karofsky asked quietly. Blaine turned to look at him but he just shrugged. He didn't have a clue, to be honest he hadn't thought they'd get this far. A part of his mind had thought that they would have gotten caught be now and they would be taken away to a more secure prison.

"We're not sure, we don't even know how were going to go about it yet," Blaine explained and Karofsky nodded shoving his hands into his pockets nervously. One at a time Karofsky turned to look at them, looking at them like he was deciding their fate.

"I want to apologise again for what I've done, and I want to help you so just let me know and I'll create a distraction," Karofsky said removing his hand from his pockets and wrapping them around himself.

"Come with us," he said without really thinking about it. He wasn't sure it would be a great idea but he knew that if Karofsky stayed here then he was going to have a really hard time. But to his surprise Karofsky shook his head.

"No, this is where I belong. I wouldn't make it out there, the worlds too big and cruel and it's more than I can handle," Karofsky said before looking to the floor. He could see that he probably would have more of a hard time than what he'd get here in his eyes so he didn't question it. "But I probably won't be able to speak to you properly again, so I wish you the best of luck and…. Just don't get caught," Karofsky said before turning and walking away. They didn't even have time to say thank you, or goodbye before he was out of sight leaving them alone.

He looked down at Blaine as he unwrapped the sheets trying to make sure that whatever was inside them wasn't visible to anybody from outside of the cell. "Are they in there?" He asked as Blaine re wrapped them and looked up to him.

"Yeah, we just have to figure out when we're going," Blaine said shoving the bunch of sheets under the bed before walking so he was straight in front of him.

"I don't know about you but I want to get out of here as soon as we can," he said and Blaine nodded dragging his hand through his curls.

"I agree," Blaine said before laughing nervously. "I can't believe this is finally happening," Blaine continued starting to pace around the room, the tapping of each of his steps making him more and more nervous.

"I want to go tonight," he said quacking knowing that if they waited much longer he wouldn't be able to go through with it. Blaine turned with him with wide eyes.

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