Chapter three:progress

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It wasn't until at least five hours after they had been sent back to the cells that the doors opened again.

After their short lived conversation Blaine had climbed back up onto his bunk and fallen asleep.

He hesitated, not wanting to wake him up, but as he saw other people across the way lining up outside their cells he thought it would be better to wake him. He didn't want him to get into any more trouble.

He climbed the first couple of steps of the ladder before slowly shaking Blaine's shoulder. It took a few shakes but Blaine's eyes flew open and his hand quickly swiped up almost automatically, tightly grabbing hold of his wrist.

He gasped with pain yanking his arm back, jumping off the ladder and holding his wrist to his chest.

"The doors opened," he said quietly before walking out of the cell to join the rest of the prisoners. Blaine joined them shortly but the both kept quiet as the guard walked down checking everyone was here. 'It must be a tedious job,' he thought as the guard past them saying their second names before wandering further down the line.

Again, the prisoners wandered down to the cafeteria and lunch was being served. He kept to himself again and luckily he wasn't bothered. Though, he had gotten a few dirty looks.

After lunch everyone went out a different door out into some sort of courtyard, he followed though he had thought about just going back to his cell. But decided he needed the fresh air. The courtyard wasn't very big and reminded him of a primary school playground with a set of benches to the left and a large empty space to play sport or just hang around in on the right.

He looked to the blue sky and it felt like he hadn't seen it in years. There wasn't even any windows in the prison so it was nice to hear the natural sounds of the little amount of birds that were there and the breeze in the trees.

He noticed that people were hanging out in small groups and few stayed by themselves. He decided to go and sit in the corner of the courtyard out of the way, wondering where Blaine might have gotten to.

He looked around trying to see if he could spot him but he couldn't see him anywhere. Giving up he looked back to the sky, he really felt like he had taken everything for granted like food, spending time with his dad, singing in the showers or even going on walks through the park.

He sat there for thirty minutes pondering on those subjects before a siren sounded and all of the prisoners started to head back into the building. He followed, getting a few shoves as he made his way through the door and he heard a few snide remarks like 'queer' and 'faggot'. He decided it would be best to just keep quiet, if he picked a fight with one of these men he wouldn't likely get out of here alive.

When he got back to his cell Blaine was already there sitting on his bed. He didn't know why he wasn't sitting on his own bed and he wasn't going to ask.

He walked into the cell as the door behind him slid shut. He stood there awkwardly for a second before moving forward to go and sit against the back wall but Blaine held his hand up to stop him.

"Sit here," Blaine said patting the spot next to him. He didn't know if he was still angry at him for waking him up so he sat down at the other side of the bed.

"I'm sorry for wak-," he started but he was cut off when Blaine put his hand up again to stop him talking.

"Look, I don't apologise very often but I'm sorry for grabbing you. I've just gotten used to being aware in here, to have good reflexes so if someone makes a go for me I can protect myself, so I'm sorry if I hurt you. Though, I can't promise I won't do it again if you need to wake me up, so be prepared," Blaine said and he looked at him slightly aghast. He hadn't expected that.

"Do you not want me to wake you if the door opens?" He asked quietly looking to his mattress.

"Oh yeah, wake me up i can't be bothered to get the shit kicked out of me once I've just woken up," Blaine said and he looked up with wide eyes.

"What?" He said and Blaine laughed.

"Don't look so scared new fish, I'm kidding. Though, they do drag you out of bed, not softly either," Blaine explained and he frowned turning away to look at the cell wall in protest.

"Kurt," he said turning back and Blaine smirked.

"Oh yeah, that's right," Blaine winked before shuffling off the bed and climbing up to the top bunk again.

He waited a minute before climbing out from his bunk so that he could see Blaine.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked and Blaine stared for a few seconds before answering.

"You can but depending on the question is whether I'll answer it," Blaine said and he nodded as Blaine turned onto his side towards him making the bed creak a little.

"How long have you been here?" He asked and Blaine turned back onto his back making him think he wasn't going to answer the question.

"About four months, but it's felt like years if I'm honest," Blaine replied and he nodded.

"I can see that," he said and Blaine laughed taking a small glance at him.

"You didn't make a good impression today," Blaine said staring at the ceiling again but he nodded.

"I know, I didn't mean for what happened in the cafeteria to happen though," he said and Blaine looked at him again.

"I know," Blaine replied.

"I don't want to be here," he sighed and Blaine kept looking at him with an unreadable expression.

"None of us do," Blaine replied

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