Chapter sixteen: love is in the....Water?

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Everything ached, his arms from carrying Blaine, his legs from pushing himself through the endless amount of water and finally his mind from the constant thought of wanting all of this to be over. Blaine still laid limp in his arms, the steady rise and fall of his chest putting him at ease. They had made it into the sewers just below the cells.

All of the blocked shape rooms looked the same as the first, with its smooth stone walls and lack of lighting. He could tell that the torch light had somewhat dimmed and set a nervousness in his stomach. If the torch ran out of battery there was no way he'd be able to navigate his way out of there. It would be over.

He pushed himself into yet another moss filled corridor, the water seeming to become shallower as the corridor walls rose above him. As there was less water it allowed him to move faster, and though his legs felt like jelly due to the lack of force on his legs that the water had given him before, he vowed to push on through it. He was about half way down the corridor when he heard it, a hitch of breath. Staring down at Blaine his heart skipped a beat, for a second he though Blaine had stopped breathing but it was quite the opposite.

"Kurt?" Blaine said his beautiful brown eyes looking up at him with confusion. He felt tears build up in his eyes, he was so relieved that Blaine was awake and selfishly glad that he wasn't alone that he pulled him in tighter for a second in an embrace.

"Blaine, are you ok? Does it hurt much?" He asked trying to keep the tears from falling onto his face. Blaine looked around for a second but he doubted that he could see much in the light of the torch, which had dimmed to a warm but useless glow.

"No, not really," Blaine said leaning back in his arms so he was looking up into his eyes. "How long was I out?" He asked but he could fell by his features that he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

"About an hour," he replied and Blaine closed his eyes for a second, before opening them and sadly looking into his eyes

"You should have left me like I told you too, you would have been out of here by now," Blaine said before looking to the ground. He took that as a signal to put him down and lowered Blaine to his feet. Blaine gasped when his feet hit the water and shivered, he forgot how cold it was after he had gotten used to the coldness biting at his ankles.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do it, Blaine," he said hesitating letting go of Blaine's shoulders just in case he fell. Once he knew Blaine was steady he let his arms fall to his side, the lack of weight in his arms made him feel light as a feather. "I couldn't leave you there, not after all the work we put into this," he continued but Blaine just looked to the ground.

"Where abouts are we?" Blaine asked and he wrapped his arms around himself nervously. Was Blaine annoyed that he'd taken brought him? Had he made the wrong decision?

"We're just under the cells, it won't be long until we reach the tunnel that will take us out of here," he said and Blaine nodded slowly looking both ways down the tunnel as though he wasn't sure which way to go down. "This way," he said pointing the way he had been walking before Blaine had woken.

Blaine turned and walked ahead, he followed behind a hollow ache in his heart. He'd thought this is what Blaine would have wanted but he'd messed up. He kept looking forward the dull glow of the torch barely lighting their path. Blaine had a quick pace which he followed even though every muscle in his body ached for him to stop moving, to lay down and give up. For some reason everything felt so pointless now that he thought Blaine didn't want to be there.

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