Chapter eleven: The flashback part 2

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He would have never have guessed that was the reason Kurt was in here. It wasn't fair, but from what he had learnt, nothing was fair.

"So, I guess you want me to tell you why I'm in here?" he said not looking Kurt in the eyes. He was afraid of telling people. All of his family and friends from before he got himself locked up hate him for what he did, he did it on purpose and he had no remorse for what he did.

"No, not if you don't want to. You don't owe me anything just because I told you something," Kurt shrugged and he nodded.

"Thank you, and that's why I'm going to tell you, because I knew you wouldn't expect anything back," he said fiddling with his hands nervously in his lap. He couldn't remember the last time he'd told anyone, he'd tried to tune the memories out when he could.

"Just take your time," Kurt said and he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. He looked up and gave him a small smile before averting his eyes to the floor. He couldn't look Kurt in the eyes as he told him this.

"When I was little me and my dad were really close, we watched and played football together all the time, and everyone else loved my dad as well he used to have his friends around all of the time. It was like he was some kind of hero, but then I found something out about myself and told him about it. I trusted him," he said tear already starting to well up in his eyes. "I told him…"

"I'm gay dad," he said.

He'd dragged his dad into his room and sat him on the bed, he wanted to tell him the secret he'd long been keeping but when he looked into his dads eyes once the words had come out of his mouth he'd wished he'd said nothing at all.

"What?" His dad whispered so hurt that you would have thought he'd told him that he was dying of cancer.

"I'm gay," he repeated a lot quieter this time. His dad slowly got off his bed into the standing position, rising above him like a giant. He heard his dad take a long and angry breath out before looking down a him.

"After all I've done for you? After all I've given you, you're a faggot?" His dad spat and he cringed at the wording talking a step away from his father shocked.

"I-I…," he said stumbling with shock of what his father had just said to him.

"Get it out boy!" His dad yelled and he felt his world falling apart at the seams. He wanted to back and decide not to tell him, hide it for the rest of his life no matter how he felt.

"Yes," he squeaked before a searing pain hit his face as he tumbled to the ground. His dad had hit him, he'd never hit him before not even when he made him really mad.

Tear run down his face as his dad looked at him with disgust before turning and leaving the room.

"He hurt me a lot after that," he said looking to Kurt who was clinging onto his hand tightly. He was happy for the comfort and held tight back. "A first it was ever so often he would come into my room drag me out of bed and beat the crap out of me making sure not to leave visible marks where people would see them. But then it became more and more until it was every day and I couldn't escape it, everyone thought so highly of my dad they thought that he could never do anything like this. I didn't know what to do, it was like my dad thought he could beat the gay out of me. But he never could," he said a tear finally falling onto his cheek. He let it slide until he fell of his chin soaking into his clothing.

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