Chapter ten: the flashback part 1

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He was surprised when Blaine followed him to breakfast and even more surprised when he started to talk to him. He thought it would take more time for him to forgive what he had accused him of, he knew that if it was the other way round he would have ignored him for a week.

"How's your head?" Blaine asked him and he smiled.

"Fine, just a small bump and I deserved it anyway," he replied and Blaine just stared at him with a blank expression.

"You didn't deserve it Kurt but you did piss me off," Blaine said and he nodded. He didn't want to get into another argument or whatever last night was so he decided to just nod his answer. "Are you going to the gym today?" Blaine asked and he looked up pondering on the idea.

"No, I think I might just go back to the cell or have a walk in the fresh air," he replied and Blaine nodded taking a spoon full of his breakfast and shoving it into his mouth.

"I'll stay with you," Blaine replied after had swallowed and he frowned.

"Not that I don't want you to be with me, but you don't have to be around me and talk to me if you don't want to. I can protect myself and I know it doesn't look like it considering the cuts and bruises on my face but I can," he said and Blaine nodded looking at his food.

"I know you don't need protecting Kurt and anyway if I didn't want to be around you or talk to you, I wouldn't, trust me," Blaine replied and he nodded a smile growing on his face.

"Fine, in that case I would be great if you hung around with me," he said and Blaine gave a small rare smile before looking back to his food.

He wondered what had made him forgive him already, or if he really had forgiven him. Blaine was hard to read but he wouldn't mind his company.


He was hurt by what Kurt had said and accused him of, but it was that he'd believed him when he had told him he wasn't homophobic. No one ever believed him.

It was after a needed sleep that he realised that maybe he should talk to Kurt. Maybe he could make a friend in here. Though, he's convinced himself that this was it, if being friends with Kurt didn't work and he got hurt then he would stop having friends permanently. He would know that he was better on his own.

He would still have to go off and do what he had been doing for the past two and a half months but he knew Kurt would understand, and that he wouldn't ask questions about where he went and why.

He couldn't tell anyone, it could ruin everything.

After breakfast they made their way out into the courtyard, he couldn't remember the last time he'd been out here. Until Kurt got here he just used to go to where he normally goes and, so he didn't bring up to much suspicion he would stay in his cell some days. That was all.

He hadn't had a roommate before so he knew that he had to be more careful now. He liked Kurt but right now he didn't trust him enough to tell him what he was doing, there was a chance that he would tell and he would be caught and he couldn't take that chance.

"Do you know how long you're in here for?" He asked as the strolled to the far corner of the court yard. Kurt gave a sideward glance towards him before looking to the ground.

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