Chapter two: greetings

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Hey, get up new fish".

He felt someone shove his arm and he his eyes flew open. He looked at his cell mate, keeping quite just in case he annoyed him and he lashed out. Though, if he did he would fight back, he was scared but he didn't want to get pushed around.

"The guards are doing the morning check we have to stand outside of the cell, did they not teach you this stuff? I guess not," the man replied to his own question once he knew that he wasn't going to answer.

He slowly dragged himself up from the bed, which was still neatly made because he had slept on top of the cover rather than under it, and walked towards the cell door which was open. Like Blaine said all of the other prisoners were already lined up outside and a guard was walking down ticking off who was here.

"Anderson, Hummel," the guard said as he passed them before moving alone down the line.

Once the guard had gotten to the end he yelled check and the line started to disperse down to the first floor and through another door. He just followed on the line with his head down until they got to the cafeteria and he looked around.

It was loud, though he should have expected that and he moved alone the line until he was at the front and was handed a bowl of what looked like slop. He frowned down at the bowl and moved into the seating area looking for a place to eat, he found an empty table at the back and sat down starting to shovel down the slop that tasted like cardboard. He hadn't eaten the day before and he was starving.

He had hoped that he would get through his first day without any hassle, but then a shadow clouded over him and he looked up. A man who was bigger than him but not with muscle, he was chubby and looked like he could throw a swing and intimidated him immediately.

"Hey new fish, looking good," the man sneer swiping his breakfast off of the table onto the floor. He leaned back into his chair looking around with his eyes to see if there were any guards around that could help him. "The guards don't give a shit about you new fish, it's us you should be pleasing," the man said gesturing to all of the other prisoners.

He wasn't about to become the guys bitch but he wasn't sure what kind of friends he had, what if he had a gang?

"But don't worry, I'm not queer like you are new fish so you won't get a bumming off me, that's disgusting. Isn't that right faggot?" the man's said with a horrid smirk on his face.

"I-I," he started before he felt someone behind him.

"Why don't you go somewhere else Karofsky," turning he saw that it was his cell mate, and he didn't look too happy.

"Aw, look, Andersons finally found a bum mate," Karofsky laughed and his cell mate lunged at him taking him down before punches started to be thrown.

He stood up and backed away from the fight scared that he would be the next one to get a punch before a couple guards ran in to break them up. He felt like he was going to be sick, there was no way that he was going to be able to survive in here.

"Ok, everyone back to your cells!" A guard yelled and all of the prisoners groaned before filing out towards the cells again.

He sighed knowing that this wasn't a good thing and followed everyone else. As he was walking out the cafeteria door when he felt a hand grab his arm and shove his against the wall as everyone else just walked by.

"Well done new fish, you better watch your back around here," the man yelled. He had never seen him before but he was old and looked like he had been in here for a long time. He just nodded before the man let go and got lost into the crowd.

He took a couple slow breaths before carrying on towards his cell.

Once he reached it he sat against the back wall letting tears run down his face for the second time that he had been here. This wasn't a good start, the cells automatically closed making him jump. His cell mate hadn't come back and he sat there wondering what had happened to him.


His cell mate didn't come back for a couple of hours and when he did he felt terrible. He had a split lip, a black eye and though it technically wasn't his fault he had tried to defend him and he owed him for that.

The door slid open and the man walked in, he was still sitting against the back wall with his knees to his chest.

The man didn't say anything as he walked in and just climbed to his bed and laid down. It was like he was invisible.

After half an hour he stood up and walked slowly toward the beds, he could hear a lot of the prison buzzing with the sound of people talking with their cell mates. But he was nervous that if he talked, everyone would be able to hear him loud and clear.

He looked up to the man who was just simply staring at the ceiling not acknowledging that he was there and he sighed.

"I'm sorry about your face, a-and thank you for sticking up for me," he said unconsciously holding his arm nervously. He didn't even know the man's first name, he assumed his second was Anderson but he wasn't sure if he should call him that.

The man just laughed and turned his head towards him before looking back to the ceiling again. He took this as a 'go away' and moved back to the wall sliding down it and their cell turned quiet again.

He had only been here a day and he already missed his dad like crazy, he hoped that he was doing ok and was looking after himself. He knew that he was disappointed in him for getting himself locked up in here but had told him he loved him and to stay safe before he had been taken away.

The sound of wood creaking took him out of his day dream, his cell mate was climbing down the small ladder jumping to the floor. He sat on his bed and looked to him.

"I'm Blaine, you might as well know that as were living together for a while," Blaine said though he didn't really looking interested in what he was saying to him.

He nodded, his eyes fell to a tattoo that was on his wrist. It was slightly showing as the cuff of his shirt just fell short of it, it said 'courage'. He smiled at it, it was a good motto.

"Got it just before I landed in here, and the word is the reason why I'm in here, ironic right?" Blaine laughed and he nodded.

"Are you not going to speak to me anymore?" Blaine said looking at him with a smirk. His eyes widened and he nodded again.

"Yeah, sorry," he mumbled looking to the floor.

"What's your name new fish?" Blaine asked and he frowned.

"It's not new fish," he replied and Blaine laughed.

"Sassy, I like it but you're going to have to tell me your name or I'll have to keep calling you new fish, new fish," Blaine said and he frowned further looking to the floor embarrassed.

"Kurt, my names Kurt," he said looking back up to see Blaine nodding slowly.

"Well done, Kurt," Blaine smirked and he instantly regretted telling him his name.

He sighed and looked to the ceiling, he had been here a day and he already hated it. He thought that it might have been tolerable but he wasn't sure how long it would be before he would crack or piss the wrong person off. Well, he guessed he'd already done that.

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