Chapter four:we're not friends

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"I didn't mean for it to go off! I'm sorry please," he screamed but it was like no one was listening to him. "Please!" He continued tears rolling down his cheeks. "Please!"


The sound of the cell door opening forced him awake and he was panting, sweat on his forehead and his mouth was dry.

He could hear Blaine roll over on the top bunk so he wiped his brow on the sleeve of his shirt before dragging himself from his bed and towards the cell door.

Blaine followed him out not long later and they were off for breakfast after the guard check.

This time Blaine stayed and sat with him to eat and didn't go off to where ever he went when he disappeared. They didn't talk but he felt safer when he was with Blaine, like he was less likely to get attacked or shoved around.

He was surprised that he hadn't seen Karofsky since the first incident but he wasn't going to complain. He took a quick look around to see if he had jinxed himself before talking another bite of this breakfast. He wondered if they always got slop for breakfast.

After Blaine had finished eating he got up from the table and walked towards the door of the hall without even saying a word. He quickly got up putting his dishes onto the waste trolley before hurrying after him not wanting to be left by himself.

"What are you doing?" Blaine asked not even looking behind him to see if it was actually him.

"I-I, where are you going?" He asked but Blaine ignored him not bothering to stop walking. He continued to follow him curious now of where he was going but Blaine finally stopped and turned to him.

"Stop following me," Blaine said taking a step towards him making him take a step back.

"Ok, I'm sorry, I just thought...," he stopped talking looking to the ground embarrassed.

Blaine laughed and he looked up. "You thought, because I sat with you at breakfast and the fact that we're roommates that we're friends, but were not. I'm sorry, but I have to tell you how it is," Blaine shrugged like he did this all the time before turning and walking away.

He stayed rooted to the spot he was standing in, feeling at little hurt. He hadn't really expected them to be friends but the comment still cut like a knife. He was alone, not much different from when he was out of here but the difference was he couldn't protect himself in here. Not on his own.

Taking a breath he turned and walked back towards the cafeteria. He didn't know where else he could go unless the door to the courtyard was open.

As he walked through the door of the cafeteria he fail to notice the person walking out and banged straight into them. He cursed himself and looked up to meet the person that he'd smacked into but before he could get a proper look he was punched in the face.

The shock and the impact alone made him fall straight to the ground and he covered his head with his arms.

"I'm so sorry," he said looking up. Of course Karofsky was standing there with one fist clenched staring angrily down at him.

"You're so lucky I can't get into any fights right now, you're so not worth a week in solitary," Karofsky sneered before walking off down the corridor.

Caught in the cellsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant