Chapter thirteen: Massive progress

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Two Months Later

As the weeks melted away the hole that they had been digging started to become bigger and bigger at an alarming rate. He and Kurt were rarely apart and if they were they were in calling distance, for example he would wait just around the corner in the shower block while Kurt had a shower after the gym. But Kurt hardly wanted to go to the gym anymore, after the incident with Sebastian all Kurt seemed to want to do was dig as hard and as fast as he could. He didn't bother trying to stop him because even as worried as he was, he feared that he would focus his anger elsewhere and that could only lead to trouble.

They spent most of their time down there sweating away and talking about what they were going to do when they got out. They had come to the conclusion that for a while at least they were going to stay together and then they were going to split different ways once they knew that they weren't in the news anymore.

"Kurt were going to have to stop for the day and go have a shower," he said tapping Kurt on the shoulder.

"Just one more minute," Kurt replied and he shook his head, laying his hand on Kurt's this time making him stop.

"We don't have a minute, we need to go back up unless we won't get back to the cell on time," He knew that Kurt was frustrated because as close as they were to breaking through into the sewage system and getting freedom, there just wasn't time to finish it today. Kurt dropped the metal spear made from the table let of the metal cabinet and turned back before starting to crawl away from him back towards the entrance for the hole.

"It's been two months Blaine," Kurt said as he pulled himself through the hole before starting to cover the hole back up.

"I know, I'm sorry it's taking longer than I thought. I dread to think how much longer it would have been if I was doing this on my own," he said wiping a patch of sweat from his forehead before looking up at Kurt. "You've got some stone dust on you," he continued noticing the dust marks before starting to wipe it from his shoulders and back before Kurt did the same for him.

"Were so close," Kurt said pulling the metal cabinet back on top of the hole hiding it completely before starting towards the door of the closet. He was already at the door but paused at the desperation in Kurt's voice.

"I know," he replied his voice almost a whisper, turning to Kurt and placing his hands on his shoulders before looking into his eyes. "We'll be out of here soon I promise, but for now were just going to have to be patient," he said and waited for Kurt to nod before removing his hands and turning back to the door.

As always he peered out of the door making sure no one was there before he walked out Kurt following close behind him. This was always risky but nothing bad had happened yet. They wandered down the hall towards the showers, getting there with only a few minutes before the alarm went off notifying prisoners to go back to their cells.

They showered in stalls next to each other both emerging from the shower stalls, re dressed in their prison gowns just as the alarm went off. He smiled, he has always been quite good at timing things just right.

On their way back to their cells guards rushed around them yelling into their walkie talkies. "What's happening?" Kurt said turning to look as another guard ran by.

"I don't have a clue," he replied stopping the next prisoner that they saw by putting his hand out, that way the prisoner could have just walked by if they didn't want to talk to them. Luckily the prisoner stopped.

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