Chapter fithteen: never leave a man behind

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He was panicking, he wasn't sure what to do. Blaine had passed out into his arms and he knew they needed to go. It was now or never. He had checked Blaine's pulse and it seemed to be steady, and just looking at him he knew that he wouldn't be able to leave him behind.

A tear fell onto his face as he gathered Blaine up into his arms, turned and made his way towards the closet that would lead them to their freedom. No one seemed to be around now, all of the guard and prisoners gone to riot elsewhere. He could still here the angry screams and the crashes of furniture being thrown around and windows braking.

He turned a corner and the closet came into view. Taking a breath he shuffled Blaine into a more comfortable position in his arms before carrying on towards it. Once they got there he noticed that he didn't have the key that would get him into it. Sighing, he put Blaine carefully onto the ground making sure that his back was leaning against the wall and knelt down next to him he gasping at the sight of the cut on the top of Blaine's head. He hadn't seen it before but now it made him think that it might be a good idea to leave him behind, or at least find something to cover the wound.

He slowly searched the unconscious boy's pockets, his heart skipping a beat when he felt metal. He pulled out the key and climbed to his feet. The weight of what was happening was heavy on his chest. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. The noise of the riot was still loud and clear and he could hear guards trying to calm it down. Though it didn't seem to be working very well.

More tears fell from his eyes as looked to see if anyone was coming before unlocking the door and looking back to Blaine. He decided that it would be best to go in and remove the covering from the hole before he brought Blaine in, that way he wouldn't have to keep picking him up and putting him down. Though this was more risky he didn't want to hurt Blaine further.

Walking into the closet he closed the door behind him and looked around, it looked just as it did the last time they'd been in there. The metal cabinets on both sides with various crap dotted along them, looking a little closer he saw a while piece of fabric that would be perfect for Blaine's head, it was a funny shape and seemed to be from some sort of curtain or bed sheet but he was sure it would be good enough for the moment. He walked over and grabbed it shoving it into his pocket. He was glad that it would now be easier to not get so much dirt into Blaine cut in the tunnel and it would be less likely to become infected.

Turning he moved towards the cabinet on the left and dragged it from its position. Beneath it lay the metal sheet that hid the hole, he removed that as well before he turned back to the door. He felt sick. This was his last chance to stop this and just take Blaine to the infirmary. The only thing that stopped him was the fact that it wouldn't be what Blaine would have wanted, and it defiantly wasn't what he wanted. They needed to get out of here.

He slowly opened the door to the closet and looked around the corner. The coast was clear. He walked out and quickly but careful he collected Blaine back into his arms. Blaine seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, he didn't know if it was him getting weaker or Blaine getting stronger. He hoped it was the latter.

He carried Blaine into the closet, pushing the door closer with his foot. He managed to re-lock the door with Blaine still in his arms, the door making a satisfying click as it did so. The sound of the riot dulled as he closed the door like they were swimming underwater.

Turning back to the hole he had to think of how he was going to get Blaine through it. The hole only had room for one person at a time, the only way that would work is if he went first and dragged Blaine through with him, and he didn't want to hurt Blaine more that he already was. Lowering them both so they were sitting on the ground he dug into his pockets for the piece of fabric to wrap Blaine's head. Slowly he wrapped it tight covering the cut completely, it was a little too long but it was better than too short. Once he knew it was on perfectly he scooted towards the hole.

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