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Sam's pov:
Since I have taken some days off, claiming that I need to be there for G, I currently am standing in the kitchen starting to prepare dinner for tonight. The kids are already at school so I am pretty surprised when the door bell rings. Slowly I make my way towards the door, just to be safe I have taken out my gun and hide it behind my back.
„G!? What are you doing here?" I asks in utter shock as I see G standing in front of the door. He is pretty much shaking and looks absolutely drained.
„Come on in! I get you something to drink and a blanket!" I say and see him slowly making his way towards the couch where he immediately collapsed on. With hurried steps, i grab some water, as well as some blankets since he looks like he was about to freeze to death.
„G? What happened?" I ask him softly. Draping the blanket around his still shaking form. He looks pretty pale as well now that I have gotten a better look at him.
„I think I messed up already." he nearly inaudible whimpers out. Hating to see him this distraught, I take a seat next to him and pull his cold and shaking form into a tight hug.
„I am sure you didn't do anything wrong." I whisper back Sure that it's the truth.
„Why don't you tell me what happened? I am afraid otherwise I won't be able to help you G." I tell him soothingly, not once loosen the hug I had pulled him into.
„I don't know what I did, but i think she hates me now. I thought everything was being alright but this morning." he starts off, his body getting more and more lax against me.
„G!?" I ask slightly getting frightened what the heck is going on! He has become even paler than when he first got here, which I thought wouldn't be able to be honest. Softly laying his lax body down on the floor before starting to check him out. His breathing is not as regular as I would like it to be, his heartbeat also seems to slow down. The heck happened!? Pulling out my phone to immediately call an ambulance!
„Sam Hanna, NCIS Agent, i have another agent on the ground. His heartbeat gets slower and his breathing is getting irregular. We are at my place! You need to send an ambulance right away!" I instruct the guy on the phone who quickly assured me that an ambulance is already on the way to here. Quickly I open up the door, so the paramedics can come in right away. When I get down on my knees next to G, I feel the panic getting worse since he seems to have stopped breathing all together, i also can't find his heartbeat anymore. So it has stopped as well. Doing the thing that got drilled into me years ago, I quickly start the Reanimation. 30 Pumps, 2 breaths, 30 pumps, 2 breaths. I don't know how often I needed to repeat that pattern, but I was determined to not stop till the paramedics arrive and take over.
„Agent Hanna?" a voice from the doorway shouts in.
„Over here!" I shout out, slowly getting out of breath but still not stopping to do what I need to do to save my brother! Hurried steps were heard before I see two paramedics get down on the floor as well.
„We will take over, just scoot back a bit." Dom tells me who suddenly also has appeared from behind me. Dazed at everything that had happened, I let myself fall back on the floor, however not moving my eyes away from what they are doing with G.
„We need to get him back to the hospital immediately. It looks like some of his sewes reopened by his jump out of the hospital window." Dom tells the others. What? Why would he jump out of the hospital window!?
„He did what? That makes no sense! What happened that he thought jumping out of the second floor would be a better idea than stay there!" I demand an answer from Dom. He only looks away from me, looking ashamed of whatever had happened that lead to all of this.
„I swear if he isn't going to get out of this alive you all have another thing coming your way!" I tell him threateningly. And I mean it! If my brother isn't going to come out of this alive, or has any problems afterwards, whoever is at fault will pay for it. As well as everyone who dares to stand in the way!
„I know." Dom answers me sadly.
„We are driving to the hospital now, if you want to come along you need to hurry." he tells me while motioning towards the ambulance. I quickly run after them and get up front, definitely not leaving G's side! Coming to some sense again, I quickly text kensi to please come to my place and put the things in the refrigerator and asking her to please pick up the kids. She immediately agreed to do as I asked her to do, she however wants to know what was going on. So I quickly write her what had happened only maybe 20 minutes prior. When we finally pull up in front of the hospital, they just like myself hurry in with an even paler Callen on the stretcher. On of them is kneeling on said stretcher to keep the Reanimation going. Some shouts were heard but for me they didn't make any sense, nor where they important right now. A hand suddenly stops me from following them farther into the OR.
„I am sorry but I can't let you enter the OR. I promise I do whatever I can to get him through this. You need to believe me on that!" Dom tells me while staring me straight in my eyes. Since I couldn't detect a lie, I nod once at him. I understand that I can't get into the OR but that doesn't mean that I have to like it that I am not allowed in! Slowly I let myself fall down on one of those absolutely uncomfortable seats in the waiting room. Pulling out my phone, debating on calling Hetty or not. I know that at the moment G isn't to happy with her, but in the end they are a family, if he likes it or not. So after another deep breath I press the speed dial.

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