September 25th, 2015

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My cell phone rings with the ringtone of best wake up song ever ... It's 10:30 a.m., I stay in my bed a bit to scroll on Instagram, because hey, I only work at 4 p.m. today and I have plenty of time to do everything I should.

(I had no idea what was going to happen a few hours later.)

For some reason, I feel like fixing myself up a bit today. Make up and the hair straightens straight, I start to get dressed to go to work. It is now 3:10 p.m. I have to leave home in 10 minutes if I don't want to be late.

 In addition, today, we have "stars" who come to the hotel. Not that it makes me feel anything special, it's One Direction, that are coming. They do 2 shows at the Bell Center, 1 today and 1 tomorrow. Trust me, I don't give a damn about them, but my best friend Rosie is a big fan of them, so much that she's driving me crazy. I'm not a fan, I like, let's say, I enjoy two or three songs. Anyway, she wanted to drag me to their show today, but I work the two nights of their shows and then she couldn't get tickets for tomorrow, so it will be for another time. She was devastated. On the other hand, I was  happy, I would not lose money, I would make some.

3:35 p.m.

I arrive at the hotel, I am a receptionist there.

V: Hello, Jenny! I say!

Jenny:Hello, Vic, how are you? She answers!

V:I'm fine, thanks.  Have our stars arrived?

Jenny: No, Vic and it pisses me off, I wanted to see them !!! 

She said to me with a baboon of little girls who do not have the toy they wanted.

V:A, it's true, I forgot that you were having thing for Henry !!

Jenny: It's Harry, Vic, H.A.R.R.Y. !

V: Oh yeah, it's true My bad! haha !! I will try to remember ... NOTTTT

After making the shift change with Jenny, she left and I found myself alone. Ready to face customers who drive me crazy. It's Friday, a Friday evening yay let's the party begins shit..

The Shift That Change My Life. [H.S.][English version]Where stories live. Discover now